The following words and terms, when used in this subchapter,
shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates
otherwise. The definitions in 19 TAC, Chapter 2, Subchapter A, §2.3,
apply for this subchapter unless a more specific definition for the
same term is indicated in this rule.
(1) Credit course--A college-level course that, if
successfully completed, can be applied toward the number of courses
required for achieving an academic or workforce degree, diploma, certificate,
or other formal award.
(2) Distance Education--The formal educational process
that occurs when students and instructors are in separate physical
locations for the majority (more than 50 percent) of instruction.
(3) Distance Education Course--A course in which a
majority (more than 50 percent) of the instruction occurs when the
student(s) and instructor(s) are in separate physical locations. The
definition of distance education course does not include courses with
50 percent or less instruction when the student(s) and instructor(s)
are in separate physical locations. Two categories of distance education
courses are defined:
(A) 100-Percent Online Course--A distance education
course in which 100 percent of instructional activity takes place
when the student(s) and instructor(s) are in separate physical locations.
Requirements for on-campus or in-person orientation, testing, academic
support services, internships/fieldwork, or other non-instructional
activities do not exclude a course from this category.
(B) Hybrid Course--A distance education course in which
more than 50 percent but less than 100 percent of instructional activity
takes place when the student(s) and instructor(s) are in separate
physical locations.
(4) Distance Education Degree or Certificate Program--A
program in which a student may complete a majority (more than 50 percent)
of the credit hours required for the program through distance education
courses. The definition of a Distance Education Degree or Certificate
Program does not include programs in which 50 percent or less of the
required credit hours are offered through distance education. Two
categories of distance education programs are defined:
(A) 100-Percent Online Program--A degree program in
which students complete 100 percent of the credit hours required for
the program through 100-Percent Online Courses. Requirements for on-campus
or in-person orientation, testing, academic support services, internships/fieldwork,
or other non-instructional activities do not exclude a program from
this category.
(B) Hybrid Program--A degree program in which students
complete more than 50 percent but less than 100 percent of the credit
hours required for the program through Distance Education Courses.
(5) Institutional Accreditor--A federally recognized
institutional accreditor approved by the Department of Education under
20 U.S.C. §1099b.
(6) Institutional Plan for Distance Education ("Plan"
or "IPDE")--A plan that an institution must submit for Coordinating
Board approval prior to offering a distance education program for
the first time. Each institution shall periodically update its plan
on a schedule as specified in §2.205 of this subchapter.
(7) Principles of Good Practice for Distance Education--Standards
and criteria for distance education delivered by Texas public institutions.
This document is reviewed and adopted by the Board every three years
in accordance with §2.204 of this subchapter. This document is
also known as "Principles of Good Practice for Academic Degree and
Certificate Programs and Credit Courses Offered at a Distance."