The following words and terms, when used in this subchapter,
shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates
(1) Avocational Course--A course of study in a subject
or activity that is usually engaged in by a person in addition to
the person's regular work or profession for recreation or in relation
to a hobby, including a community interest course, as defined in Education
Code, §130.351(2).
(2) Board--The governing body of the agency known as
the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
(3) Career and Technical Education Course--A workforce
or continuing education college course offered by an institution of
higher education for which a high school student may earn credit toward
satisfaction of a requirement necessary to obtain an industry-recognized
credential, certificate, or associate degree.
(A) A career and technical education course is listed
in the Workforce Education Course Manual (WECM).
(B) For the purpose of this subchapter, this definition
(i) an avocational course;
(ii) a continuing education course that is ineligible
for conversion as articulated college credit; and
(iii) a continuing education course that does not meet
the institution's program or instructor accreditation standards.
(4) Certificate--A Certificate Program as defined in
Education Code, §61.003(12).
(5) College Board Advanced Placement (also referred
to as Advanced Placement or AP)--College-level courses and exams available
to secondary students under the auspices of an approved College Board
(6) Commissioner--The Commissioner of Higher Education.
(7) Coordinating Board--The agency known as the Texas
Higher Education Coordinating Board, including the agency staff.
(8) Credit--College credit earned through the successful
completion of a college career and technical education or academic
course that fulfills specific requirements necessary to obtain an
industry-recognized credential, certificate, associate degree, or
other academic degree.
(9) Degree-Seeking Student--A student who has filed
a degree plan with an institution of higher education or is required
to do so pursuant to Education Code §51.9685.
(10) Dual Credit Course or Dual Enrollment Course--A
course that meets the following requirements:
(A) The course is offered pursuant to an agreement
under §4.84 of this subchapter (relating to Institutional Agreements).
(B) A course for which the student may earn one or
more of the following types of credit:
(i) joint high school and junior college credit under
Education Code, §130.008, or
(ii) another course offered by an institution of higher
education, for which a high school student may earn semester credit
hours or equivalent of semester credit hours toward satisfaction of:
(I) a course defined in paragraph (3) of this section
that satisfies a requirement necessary to obtain an industry-recognized
credential, certificate, or an associate degree;
(II) a foreign language requirement at an institution
of higher education;
(III) a requirement in the core curriculum, as that
term is defined by Education Code, §61.821, at an institution
of higher education; or
(IV) a requirement in a field of study curriculum developed
by the Coordinating Board under Education Code, §61.823.
(C) Dual credit includes a course for which a high
school student may earn credit only at an institution of higher education
(previously referred to as a dual enrollment course) if the course
meets the requirements of this section.
(D) A student may earn a single grade toward both the
college course and the high school credit or may earn two separate
grades where the high school grade only reflects a student's mastery
of secondary content.
(E) Dual credit and dual enrollment are synonymous
in Title 19, Part 1 of these rules unless otherwise expressly provided
by rule.
(F) Each dual credit course must meet the requirements
of this subchapter.
(11) Equivalent of a Semester Credit Hour--A unit of
measurement for a continuing education course, determined as a ratio
of one continuing education unit to 10 contact hours of instruction.
This may be expressed as a decimal of 1.6 continuing education units
of instruction which equals one semester credit hour of instruction.
In a continuing education course , not fewer than 16 contact hours
are equivalent to one semester credit hour.
(12) Field of Study Curriculum (FOSC)--A Board-approved
set of courses authorized under subchapter B of this chapter (relating
to Transfer of Credit, Core Curriculum and Field of Study Curricula)
that satisfies lower-division requirements for a baccalaureate degree
in a specific academic area at a general academic teaching institution.
A field of study curriculum is designed to facilitate transfer of
courses toward designated academic degree programs at public junior
colleges, public technical institutes, or universities.
(13) Institution of Higher Education or Institution--A
public institution of higher education as defined in Education Code, §61.003(8).
(14) International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (also
referred to as IB)--The curriculum and examinations leading to an
International Baccalaureate diploma awarded by the International Baccalaureate
(15) Locally Articulated College Credit--Credit earned
through a high school course that fulfills specific requirements identified
by a college for a career and technical education course and provides
a pathway for high school students to earn credit toward a technical
certificate or technical degree at a partnering institution of higher
education upon high school graduation.
(16) Program of Study Curriculum (POSC)--A block of
courses which is designed to progress in content specificity for an
industry or career cluster while also incorporating rigorous college
and career readiness standards, authorized under Education Code §61.8235.
A POSC generally incorporates multiple entry and exit points for participating
students with portable demonstrations of technical or career competency,
including credit transfer agreements or industry-recognized credentials.
(17) Public Two-Year College--Any public junior college,
public technical institute, or public state college as defined in
Education Code, §61.003.
(18) School District--Under this subchapter, school
district includes a charter school or district operating under Education
Code, chapter 12, unless otherwise specified.
(19) Semester Credit Hour--A unit of measure of instruction,
represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence
of student achievement, that reasonably approximates one hour of classroom
instruction or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours
out of class student work for each week over a 15-week period in a
semester system or the equivalent amount of work over a different
amount of time. An institution is responsible for determining the
appropriate number of semester credit hours awarded for its programs
in accordance with federal definitions, requirements of the institution's
accreditor, and commonly accepted practices in higher education.