(a) Applicants shall be selected for funding on a competitive
(b) An application must meet the requirements of the
RFA and be submitted with proper authorization on or before the day
and time specified by the RFA to qualify for further consideration.
(c) The selection process includes an application review
and staff recommendation for funding. Board staff shall review applications
to determine if they adhere to the grant program requirements and
the funding priorities contained in the RFA.
(d) Each application shall:
(1) Target current or prospective medical students;
(2) Provide a detailed explanation of the applicant's
primary care innovation program, including a timeline for development
and implementation, description of student population identified to
participate in the program, description of any other population identified
to participate in the program, detailed description of essential budget,
and detailed information related to administration and support for
the program;
(3) Document how the innovation program would achieve
the goals of increasing the number of Texas medical students who pursue
a career in Primary Care; and
(4) Incorporate a provision for tracking the career
paths of medical student participants in the innovation program, for
the four-year period following graduation, including the specialty/subspecialty
practiced by the graduates and whether the graduate practiced in the
state and, if so, the practice location(s), in each of the four years.
(e) Priority for selection will be given, in the order
stated in paragraphs (1) - (5) of this subsection, to applicants that
demonstrate an innovative approach to the promotion of primary care
specialties, and that include, but are not limited to, one or more
of the following:
(1) Evidence supporting conceptual foundation of proposed
(2) Evidence of institutional commitment to increase
the primary care workforce;
(3) Evidence of institutional support of proposal,
such as faculty and staff time, access to institutional resources,
and/or funds;
(4) Collaboration across medical schools and/or healthcare
delivery organizations; and
(5) Description of a plan for sustainability of the
proposed program.