(a) General requirements. This course is recommended
for students in Grades 10-12. Recommended prerequisite: Principles
of Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications. Recommended corequisite:
Fashion Design I Lab. Students shall be awarded one credit for successful
completion of this course.
(b) Introduction.
(1) Career and technical education instruction provides
content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant technical
knowledge and skills for students to further their education and succeed
in current or emerging professions.
(2) The Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications
Career Cluster focuses on careers in designing, producing, exhibiting,
performing, writing, and publishing multimedia content, including
visual and performing arts and design, journalism, and entertainment
(3) Careers in fashion span all aspects of the textile
and apparel industries. Within this context, in addition to developing
technical knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts, Audio/Video
Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected
to develop an understanding of the fashion industry with an emphasis
on design and construction.
(4) Students are encouraged to participate in extended
learning experiences such as career and technical student organizations
and other leadership or extracurricular organizations.
(5) Statements that contain the word "including" reference
content that must be mastered, while those containing the phrase "such
as" are intended as possible illustrative examples.
(c) Knowledge and skills.
(1) The student demonstrates professional standards/employability
skills as required by business and industry. The student is expected
(A) identify training, education, or certification
for employment;
(B) demonstrate positive work behaviors and personal
qualities needed to be employable;
(C) demonstrate skills related to seeking and applying
for employment;
(D) create a career portfolio to document work samples;
(E) examine employment opportunities in entrepreneurship.
(2) The student applies academic knowledge and skills
in fashion, textile, and apparel projects. The student is expected
(A) apply English language arts knowledge by demonstrating
skills such as correct use of content, technical concepts, vocabulary,
grammar, punctuation, and terminology to write and edit a variety
of documents; and
(B) apply mathematics knowledge and skills such as
using whole numbers, decimals, fractions, and knowledge of arithmetic
(3) The student applies professional communications
strategies. The student is expected to:
(A) adapt language for audience, purpose, situation,
and intent;
(B) organize oral and written information;
(C) interpret and communicate information, data, and
(D) deliver formal and informal presentations;
(E) apply active listening skills;
(F) communicate with diverse individuals; and
(G) exhibit public relations skills.
(4) The student understands and examines problem-solving
methods. The student is expected to:
(A) employ critical-thinking skills independently and
in groups; and
(B) employ interpersonal skills in groups to solve
(5) The student applies technology applications. The
student is expected to use personal information management, email,
Internet, and industry programs for fashion, textiles, and apparel
(6) The student understands fashion, textile, and apparel
systems. The student is expected to:
(A) analyze the history of the fashion, textiles, and
apparel field; and
(B) compare fashion history relative to current fashions
(7) The student applies safety regulations. The student
is expected to implement personal and workplace safety rules and procedures.
(8) The student applies leadership characteristics
in classroom and professional settings. The student is expected to:
(A) employ leadership skills;
(B) apply characteristics of effective working relationships;
(C) participate in groups; and
(D) employ mentoring skills.
(9) The student applies ethical decision making with
laws regarding use of technology in fashion, textiles, and apparel.
The student is expected to:
(A) exhibit ethical conduct such as maintaining client
confidentiality and privacy of sensitive content and providing proper
credit for ideas;
(B) identify and apply copyright laws; and
(C) analyze fashion industry influences on society.
(10) The student applies technical skills for efficiency.
The student is expected to employ planning and time-management skills
to complete work tasks.
(11) The student analyzes the nature of fashion. The
student is expected to:
(A) explain the value of fashion;
(B) identify the spectrum of the fashion industry;
(C) identify prominent fashion publications;
(D) evaluate the fashion cycle; and
(E) use appropriate terminology.
(12) The student evaluates factors influencing the
apparel industry. The student is expected to:
(A) describe the interrelationship of the U.S. and
international economies;
(B) identify and discuss labor laws of the United States
and other countries;
(C) recognize procedures within the apparel industry
that protect the environment; and
(D) describe technological advancements influencing
the apparel industry.
(13) The student analyzes factors that impact consumer
purchasing of fashion and apparel accessories. The student is expected
(A) describe social, cultural, and life cycle influences;
(B) explain how fashion trends are determined;
(C) analyze the influence of advertising on consumer
apparel choices; and
(D) determine apparel management techniques for individuals
with special needs.
(14) The student selects proper care and maintenance
practices for apparel. The student is expected to:
(A) interpret labeling information to determine care
procedures for apparel products;
(B) evaluate clothing care products and equipment;
(C) determine proper equipment and services related
to care, maintenance, and storage of apparel;
(D) identify proper safety procedures when using care
products and equipment; and
(E) analyze the impact of clothing care requirements
on clothing selection and the clothing budget.
(15) The student applies skills related to commercial
care of clothing. The student is expected to:
(A) identify procedures to receive, mark, and identify
laundry or dry cleaning;
(B) identify appropriate laundry and dry cleaning procedures;
(C) identify safety and sanitation procedures while
laundering, pressing, or dry cleaning;
(D) describe commercial laundry or dry cleaning techniques;
(E) identify pressing procedures.
(16) The student proposes ways to effectively manage
the apparel dollar. The student is expected to:
(A) develop a budget for apparel and accessory costs,
care, and maintenance;
(B) compare various sources for apparel and accessory
(C) analyze the impact of technology on consumer apparel
purchasing options; and
(D) develop and implement ideas for recycling apparel.
(17) The student designs apparel products using principles
of effective design. The student is expected to:
(A) identify basic body types;
(B) identify and apply proportion, balance, emphasis,
rhythm, and harmony for specific fashion ensembles;
(C) determine clothing silhouettes, fabric selection,
and design elements appropriate for specific body types;
(D) use design principles to design products for the
human form, including adaptations for individuals with special needs;
(E) sketch fashion drawings using basic design tools
and techniques such as fashion drawing, draping, and flat pattern
methods for fitting a garment; and
(F) apply technology applications useful in the apparel
design process.
(18) The student designs apparel products using elements
of effective design. The student is expected to:
(A) identify and apply shape, line, form, color, and
texture for specific fashion ensembles;
(B) determine clothing silhouettes, fabric selection,
and design elements appropriate for specific body types; and
(C) use design elements to design products for the
human form, including adaptations for individuals with special needs.