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RULE §89.1070Graduation Requirements

(a) Graduation with a regular high school diploma under subsections (b)(1), (b)(3)(D), (f)(1), (f)(2), (f)(3), or (f)(4)(D) of this section terminates a student's eligibility for special education services under this subchapter and Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and entitlement to the benefits of the Foundation School Program, as provided in Texas Education Code (TEC), §48.003(a).

(b) A student entering Grade 9 in the 2014-2015 school year and thereafter who receives special education services may graduate and be awarded a regular high school diploma if the student meets one of the following conditions.

  (1) The student has demonstrated mastery of the required state standards (or district standards if greater) in Chapters 110-117, 126-128, and 130 of this title and satisfactorily completed credit requirements for graduation under the Foundation High School Program specified in §74.12 of this title (relating to Foundation High School Program) applicable to students in general education as well as satisfactory performance as established in the TEC, Chapter 39, on the required end-of-course assessment instruments.

  (2) The student has demonstrated mastery of the required state standards (or district standards if greater) in Chapters 110-117, 126-128, and 130 of this title and satisfactorily completed credit requirements for graduation under the Foundation High School Program specified in §74.12 of this title applicable to students in general education but the student's ARD committee has determined that satisfactory performance on the required end-of-course assessment instruments is not necessary for graduation.

  (3) The student has demonstrated mastery of the required state standards (or district standards if greater) in Chapters 110-117, 126-128, and 130 of this title and satisfactorily completed credit requirements for graduation under the Foundation High School Program specified in §74.12 of this title through courses, one or more of which contain modified curriculum that is aligned to the standards applicable to students in general education, as well as satisfactory performance as established in the TEC, Chapter 39, on the required end-of course assessment instruments, unless the student's ARD committee has determined that satisfactory performance on the required end-of-course assessment instruments is not necessary for graduation. The student must also successfully complete the student's individualized education program (IEP) and meet one of the following conditions.

    (A) Consistent with the IEP, the student has obtained full-time employment, based on the student's abilities and local employment opportunities, in addition to mastering sufficient self-help skills to enable the student to maintain the employment without direct and ongoing educational support of the local school district.

    (B) Consistent with the IEP, the student has demonstrated mastery of specific employability skills and self-help skills that do not require direct ongoing educational support of the local school district.

    (C) The student has access to services that are not within the legal responsibility of public education or employment or educational options for which the student has been prepared by the academic program.

    (D) The student no longer meets age eligibility requirements.

(c) A student receiving special education services may earn an endorsement under §74.13 of this title (relating to Endorsements) if the student:

  (1) satisfactorily completes the requirements for graduation under the Foundation High School Program specified in §74.12 of this title as well as the additional credit requirements in mathematics, science, and elective courses as specified in §74.13(e) of this title with or without modified curriculum;

  (2) satisfactorily completes the courses required for the endorsement under §74.13(f) of this title without any modified curriculum or with modification of the curriculum, provided that the curriculum, as modified, is sufficiently rigorous as determined by the student's ARD committee; and

  (3) performs satisfactorily as established in the TEC, Chapter 39, on the required end-of-course assessment instruments unless the student's ARD committee determines that satisfactory performance is not necessary.

(d) Notwithstanding subsection (c)(3) of this section, a student receiving special education services classified in Grade 11 or 12 who has taken each of the state assessments required by Chapter 101, Subchapter CC, of this title (relating to Commissioner's Rules Concerning Implementation of the Academic Content Areas Testing Program) or Subchapter DD of this title (relating to Commissioner's Rules Concerning Substitute Assessments for Graduation) but failed to achieve satisfactory performance on no more than two of the assessments is eligible to receive an endorsement if the student has met the requirements in subsection (c)(1) and (2) of this section.

(e) A student receiving special education services who entered Grade 9 before the 2014-2015 school year may graduate and be awarded a high school diploma under the Foundation High School Program as provided in §74.1021 of this title (relating to Transition to the Foundation High School Program), if the student's ARD committee determines that the student should take courses under that program and the student satisfies the requirements of that program. Subsections (c) and (d) of this section apply to a student transitioning to the Foundation High School Program under this subsection. As the TEC, §28.0258 and §39.025(a-2), modify the state assessment requirements applicable to students in general education, a student receiving special education services who is classified in Grade 11 or 12 who has taken each of the state assessments required by Chapter 101, Subchapter CC, of this title (relating to Commissioner's Rules Concerning Implementation of the Academic Content Areas Testing Program) or Subchapter DD of this title (relating to Commissioner's Rules Concerning Substitute Assessments for Graduation) but failed to achieve satisfactory performance on no more than two of the assessments may graduate if the student has satisfied all other applicable graduation requirements.

(f) A student receiving special education services who entered Grade 9 before the 2014-2015 school year may graduate and be awarded a regular high school diploma if the student meets one of the following conditions.

  (1) The student has demonstrated mastery of the required state standards (or district standards if greater) in Chapters 110-117, 126-128, and 130 of this title and satisfactorily completed credit requirements for graduation (under the recommended or distinguished achievement high school programs in Chapter 74, Subchapter F, of this title (relating to Graduation Requirements, Beginning with School Year 2007-2008) or Chapter 74, Subchapter G, of this title (relating to Graduation Requirements, Beginning with School Year 2012-2013)), as applicable, including satisfactory performance as established in the TEC, Chapter 39, on the required state assessments.

  (2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of this subsection, as the TEC, §28.0258 and §39.025(a-2), modify the state assessment requirements applicable to students in general education, a student receiving special education services who is classified in Grade 11 or 12 may graduate under the recommended or distinguished achievement high school program, as applicable, if the student has taken each of the state assessments required by Chapter 101, Subchapter CC, of this title (relating to Commissioner's Rules Concerning Implementation of the Academic Content Areas Testing Program) or Subchapter DD of this title (relating to Commissioner's Rules Concerning Substitute Assessments for Graduation) but failed to achieve satisfactory performance on no more than two of the assessments and has met all other applicable graduation requirements in paragraph (1) of this subsection.

  (3) The student has demonstrated mastery of the required state standards (or district standards if greater) in Chapters 110-117, 126-128, and 130 of this title and satisfactorily completed credit requirements for graduation (under the minimum high school program in Chapter 74, Subchapter F or G, of this title), as applicable, including participation in required state assessments. The student's ARD committee will determine whether satisfactory performance on the required state assessments is necessary for graduation.

  (4) The student has demonstrated mastery of the required state standards (or district standards if greater) in Chapters 110-117, 126-128, and 130 of this title through courses, one or more of which contain modified content that is aligned to the standards required under the minimum high school program in Chapter 74, Subchapter F or G, of this title, as applicable, as well as the satisfactorily completed credit requirements under the minimum high school program, including participation in required state assessments. The student's ARD committee will determine whether satisfactory performance on the required state assessments is necessary for graduation. The student graduating under this subsection must also successfully complete the student's IEP and meet one of the Cont'd...

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