(a) The appropriate standard certificate issued under
Chapter 230, Subchapter D, of this title (relating to Types and Classes
of Certificates Issued), may be issued to an applicant holding an
acceptable certificate or other credential and college degree as specified
in §245.1 of this title (relating to General Provisions). The
applicant must:
(1) pass the appropriate examination(s) prescribed
in the Texas Education Code (TEC), §21.048(a), and §230.21
of this title (relating to Educator Assessment);
(2) achieve an acceptable score on an examination(s)
similar to and at least as rigorous as the requirements prescribed
in the TEC, §21.048(a), and §230.21 of this title that was
administered under the authority of another country. The applicant
shall verify in a manner determined by the Texas Education Agency
staff the level of performance on acceptable examinations administered
under the authority of another country; or
(3) qualify for an exemption from required Texas examinations
through provisions in §152.1001 of Part 2 of this title (relating
to Exceptions to Examination Requirements for Individuals Certified
Outside the State).
(b) If all certification requirements are met, except
successful completion of the appropriate certification examination(s),
the applicant who has demonstrated English language proficiency as
specified in §230.11 of this title (relating to General Requirements)
may request issuance of a one-year certificate in one or more of the
certification areas authorized by the certificate(s) or other credential(s)
from another country. An applicant who holds only a credential that
is equivalent to a student services, principal, or superintendent
certificate issued in accordance with Chapter 239 of this title (relating
to Student Services Certificates), with the exception of Subchapter
E (relating to Legacy Master Teacher Certificate); Chapter 241 of
this title (relating to Certification as Principal); or Chapter 242
of this title (relating to Superintendent Certificate) may be issued
the equivalent Texas certificate. The applicant must verify two creditable
years of public or private school experience, as defined in Chapter
153, Subchapter CC, of Part 2 of this title (relating to Commissioner's
Rules on Creditable Years of Service) and the TEC, §5.001(2),
in the specific student services or administrative area sought.
(c) After satisfying all certification requirements,
including all appropriate examination requirements, the applicant
is eligible to apply for issuance of the standard certificate issued
under Chapter 230, Subchapter D, of this title (relating to Types
and Classes of Certificates Issued).
(d) An applicant issued a one-year certificate under
Chapter 230, Subchapter D, of this title and this chapter, who does
not satisfy the appropriate examination requirements to establish
eligibility for a standard certificate during the validity of the
one-year certificate is not eligible for any type of certificate or
permit authorizing employment for the same certification level or
area until he or she has satisfied the examination requirements. If,
due to extenuating circumstances beyond the control of the educator,
examination requirements are not met during the validity period of
the one-year certificate, the district may request an extension of
the one-year certificate, not to exceed one calendar year in length.
(e) An applicant shall not be required to complete
the content specialization portion of the certification examination
in a certification area for which he or she does not seek standard
certification unless the examination is required to establish a base
classroom teaching certificate. A supplemental certificate, as described
in Chapter 233 of this title (relating to Categories of Classroom
Teaching Certificates), may not be issued as a standard certificate
unless the educator has established a classroom teaching certificate
and may not be added to a one-year certificate.
(f) An applicant issued a one-year certificate under
subsection (d) of this section who, during or subsequent to the validity
of the one-year certificate, satisfies the appropriate examination
requirements and establishes eligibility for a standard certificate
may apply for:
(1) a new one-year certificate in another certification
area based on a certificate or other credential issued by another
country; or
(2) a second one-year certificate in an area previously
authorized on a one-year certificate, provided the applicant was not
assigned to the area and has not attempted the appropriate examination
requirements for that area.
Source Note: The provisions of this §245.5 adopted to be effective February 3, 2000, 25 TexReg 572; amended to be effective June 9, 2002, 27 TexReg 4701; amended to be effective June 23, 2010, 35 TexReg 5195; amended to be effective March 8, 2018, 43 TexReg 1271; amended to be effective May 12, 2022, 47 TexReg 2757 |