(a) Scope and Purpose.
(1) Licensees clearly describe the scope and purpose
of evaluation, assessment, and testing to patients before they provide
these psychological services.
(2) Licensees produce reports that clearly state and
accurately reflect the scope and purpose of evaluation, assessment,
and testing.
(b) Reliability and Validity.
(1) Licensees verify, by signature and date, that every
evaluation, assessment, test result, report, recommendation, or psychological
diagnostic or evaluative statement produced is based on information
and techniques sufficient to provide appropriate substantiation for
its findings.
(2) Licensees administer, score, interpret or use assessment
techniques or tests only if they are familiar with the reliability,
validation and related standardization or outcome studies of, and
proper applications and use of, the techniques they use.
(3) Licensees who administer, score, interpret or utilize
psychological assessment techniques, tests or instruments do so in
a manner and for purposes for which there are professional or scientific
(4) Licensees do not base their assessment or intervention
decisions or recommendations on data or test results that are outdated
for the current purpose.
(5) Licensees do not base decisions or recommendations
on tests and measures that are obsolete or not useful for the current
(c) Limitations.
(1) Licensees include all information that provides
the basis for their findings in any report in which they make findings
or diagnoses about an individual.
(2) Licensees identify limits to the certainty with
which diagnoses, judgments, or predictions can be made about individuals.
(3) Licensees identify various test factors and characteristics
of the person being assessed that might affect their professional
judgment or reduce the accuracy of their interpretations when interpreting
assessment results, including automated interpretations.
(4) Licensees include any significant reservations
they have about the accuracy or limitations of their interpretations
or findings in any report they produce.
(5) Licensees provide opinions of the psychological
characteristics of individuals only after they have conducted an examination
of the individuals adequate to support their statements or conclusions.
When such an examination is not practical, licensees document the
efforts they made to obtain such an examination and clarify the probable
impact of their limited information to the reliability and validity
of their conclusions.
(6) Licensees must meet any education, training, or
licensure requirements established by a test publisher for the purchase
or use of its test materials. It is presumed that a licensee meets
any such requirements if a test publisher or other authorized vendor,
sells test materials to a licensee. Any false or misleading representation
by a licensee regarding the individual's qualifications will negate
this presumption.
(d) Test Security and Validity. Licensees conduct testing
and maintain and release test protocols and data in a secure manner
that does not compromise the validity of the test.
(e) Production of Reports.
(1) Licensees shall provide the patient, client, or
subject of the evaluation with an estimate of the time needed to produce
a report prior to conducting any evaluation, assessment, or testing.
(2) Licensees shall produce a report within a reasonable
time period following completion of the evaluation, assessment, or
testing needed to substantiate the report.
(3) Licensees shall notify a patient, client, or subject
of the evaluation if a report cannot be produced within the original
estimated time period and provide a new production date together with
a reasonable explanation for why the report will be delayed.