(a) Conducting Research.
(1) Licensees who conduct research involving human
research participants must obtain informed consent which includes
risks, discomfort, adverse effects, limitations on confidentiality
including anticipated sharing or use of personally identifiable research
data and of the possibility of unanticipated future uses, as well
as any aspects about which the prospective participants inquire.
(2) Licensees shall conduct all research involving
animals in a humane manner which minimizes the discomfort, infection,
illness and pain of animal subjects. A procedure subjecting animals
to pain, stress or privation is used only when an alternative procedure
is unavailable and the goal is justified by its prospective scientific,
education or applied value.
(b) Research results.
(1) Psychologists do not fabricate data or falsify
results in their publications.
(2) Licensees who discover significant errors in their
published data take all reasonable steps to correct such errors.
(3) Licensees do not present substantial portions or
elements of another individual's research work or data as their own.
(4) Licensees take responsibility and credit, including
authorship credit, only for work they have actually performed or to
which they have contributed.