(a) Completion of continuing education (CE) requirements
by licensee with current certification by the ABCP or its successor
agency. Completion of continuing education requirements may be documented
by demonstrating current certification by the ABCP annual license
(b) Completion of CE requirements by licensee without
current certification by the ABCP. A licensee without current certification
by the ABCP at the time of license renewal must meet the following
(1) Document a minimum of 30 continuing education credits
(CEUs) every 24 months (24 month timeline is in relation to the biennial
registration period, not the calendar year). A licensee must report
during registration if she or he has completed the required CE. Documentation
of CE courses shall be made available to the Board upon request but
should not be mailed with the registration payment. Random audits
will be made to assure compliance. Of the required CEUs, a course
in human trafficking prevention approved by the executive commissioner
of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission must be completed.
A minimum of 15 hours of CEU must be earned in Category I. The activity
period covered in the professional activity report is from the date
of licensure to the third licensure renewal date and every subsequent
third license renewal date.
(2) Document a minimum of 40 clinical perfusion cases
in a two-year period by submitting a clinical activity report upon
renewal, on the approved form, demonstrating completion of 40 cases
each biennial as the Primary Perfusionist for Cardiopulmonary bypass
(instructor or primary), ECMO, VAD, Isolated Limb Perfusion, or VENO-VENO
(3) One CEU or contact hour activity is defined as
50 minutes spent in an organized, structured or unstructured learning
experience. Categories of CEU activities are:
(A) Category I--Perfusion Meetings and Other Perfusion
Related Activity--Perfusion meetings are those programs and seminars
in which a minimum of 75% of the contact hours consist of perfusion
related material. Only those meetings approved by the ABCP will qualify
for Category 1 hours. Examples:
(i) International, national, regional, and state perfusion
(ii) Publication of perfusion related book chapter
or paper in a professional journal.
(iii) Presentation at an international, national, regional,
or state perfusion journal.
(B) Category II--Non-Accredited Perfusion Meetings
and Other Medical Meetings--This category includes international,
national, regional, and state meetings that have not been approved
by the ABCP, local perfusion meetings, and all other medically related
meetings. Examples:
(i) International, national, regional, and state perfusion
meetings that have not been accredited by the ABCP.
(ii) Local perfusion meetings (do not require ABCP
accreditation). Any perfusion meeting NOT EQUALLY ACCESSIBLE to the
general CCP community, this includes manufacturer-specific and company-sponsored
educational activities.
(iii) International, national, regional, or local medically-related
(C) Category III--Individual Education and Other Self-Study
Activities Credit in this category is acquired on an hour for hour
basis of the time spent in these non-accredited or non-supervised
activities. Examples:
(i) Reading or viewing medical journals, audio-visual,
or other educational material.
(ii) Participation in electronic forums.
(iii) Participation in a Journal Club.
(iv) Participation in degree-oriented, professional-related
course work.
(v) Presentation of perfusion topic at a non-perfusion
(4) Documentation of activities. Licensees are responsible
for reporting completion of their professional activities. This information
must be reported to the board at the time of registration and renewal
and documentation must be submitted to the board upon request. Credit
will not be granted for activities that are not documented. The suitable
documentation is outlined as follows:
(A) Category I--Perfusion meetings. For approved perfusion
meetings, an official document from the meeting sponsor documenting
attendance and the number of hours received must be provided.
(i) Perfusion Publications must have complete reference
of book or article (authors, title, journal, and date/volume of journal).
(ii) Perfusion Presentations must have copy of program
(B) Category II--International, national, regional,
and state perfusion meetings not accredited by the ABCP, local perfusion
meetings and all other medical meetings--must provide an official
document stating CEUs awarded and copy of the meeting program.
(C) Category III--All self-study activities will require
an official record of completion or written summary of the activity.
(D) Submission of a clinical activity report upon renewal,
on the approved form, demonstrating completion of 40 cases each biennial
as the Primary Perfusionist for Cardiopulmonary bypass (instructor
or primary), ECMO, VAD, Isolated Limb Perfusion, or VENO-VENO bypass.
(c) A licensee may request in writing an exemption
for the following reasons:
(1) the licensee's catastrophic illness;
(2) the licensee's military service of longer than
one year's duration outside the state;
(3) the licensee's residence of longer than one year's
duration outside the United States; or
(4) good cause shown submitted in writing by the licensee
that gives satisfactory evidence to the board that the licensee is
unable to comply with the requirement for continuing education.
(d) Exemptions are subject to the approval of the executive
director of the board and must be requested in writing at least 30
days prior to the expiration date of the license.
(e) An exception under subsection (c) of this section
may not exceed one renewal but may be requested again, subject to
the approval of the executive director of the board.
(f) This section does not prevent the board from taking
board action with respect to a licensee or an applicant for a license
by requiring additional hours of continuing education or of specific
course subjects.
(g) The board may require written verification of both
formal and informal credits from any licensee within 30 days of request.
Failure to provide such verification may result in disciplinary action
by the board.
(h) Unless exempted under the terms of this section,
a licensee's apparent failure to obtain and timely report the number
of hours of CE as required and provided for in this section shall
result in the denial of licensure renewal until such time as the licensee
obtains and reports the required CE hours.
(i) CE hours that are obtained to comply with the CE
requirements for the preceding renewal period as a prerequisite for
obtaining licensure renewal shall first be credited to meet the CE
requirements for the previous renewal period. Once the previous renewal
period CE requirements are satisfied, any additional hours obtained
shall be credited to meet the CE requirements for the current renewal
(j) A false report or statement to the board by a licensee
regarding CE hours reportedly obtained shall be a basis for disciplinary
action by the board pursuant to §603.401 of the Act. A licensee
who is disciplined by the board for such a violation may be subject
to the full range of actions authorized by the Act including suspension
or revocation of the perfusionist's license, but such action shall
not be less than an administrative penalty of $500.
(k) A perfusionist, who is a military service member,
may request an extension of time, not to exceed two years, to complete
any CE requirements.