(a) General.
(1) A bed and breakfast extended, in addition to licensing
with the applicable regulatory authority, shall comply with the minimum
requirements of this section if the establishment:
(A) has more than seven rooms for rent; or
(B) provides food service other than breakfast to overnight
(2) A bed and breakfast food establishment that provides
food service to customers in addition to its overnight guests must
comply with the rules and regulations applicable to retail food establishments,
including licensing with the applicable regulatory authority.
(3) A bed and breakfast limited:
(A) has seven or fewer rooms for rent;
(B) serves only breakfast to overnight guests;
(C) is not a retail food establishment; and
(D) complies with subsection (b) of this section.
(b) Certified food protection manager. The owner or
manager shall successfully complete a food manager's certification
course accredited by this department.
(c) Food supplies. Food shall be obtained from approved
sources in accordance with Food Code, Subpart 3-201, §228.61
of this chapter (relating to Approved Sources for Exotic Game Animals),
and §228.62 of this chapter (relating to Specifications for Receiving)
and shall be in sound condition and be safe for human consumption.
(d) Food preparation and protection.
(1) Food preparation and protection. Food shall be
prepared and protected in accordance with Food Code, Chapter 3 - Food.
(2) Temperature requirements. All food temperature
requirements shall be met as contained in Food Code, Subparts 3-202,
3-401-403, and 3-501, §228.62 of this chapter, and §228.64
of this chapter (relating to Donation of Foods).
(e) Cleaning and sanitizing.
(1) Manual. A three-compartment sink shall be used
if washing, rinsing, and sanitizing of utensils and equipment is done
manually; or a two-compartment sink may be utilized if single service
tableware is provided, and if an approved detergent sanitizer is used.
(2) Mechanical. Cleaning and sanitizing may be done
by spray-type or immersion dishwashing machines or by any other type
of machine or device if it is demonstrated that it thoroughly cleans
and sanitizes equipment and utensils either by chemical or mechanical
(f) Personal hygiene. Employees shall conform to good
hygienic practices as required in in Food Code, Subparts 2-301-304
and 2-401-402.
(g) Employee restrooms. A restroom shall be available
for use by employees.
(h) Equipment and utensil design and construction.
All equipment and utensils shall be constructed of safe materials
and maintained in good repair.
(i) Handwash sinks.
(1) Location. An accessible and conveniently located
handwash sink shall be provided in or immediately adjacent to food
preparation areas and restrooms.
(2) Intended use. Handwash sinks shall be used for
no other purpose other than handwashing.
(j) Food-contact surfaces. All food contact surfaces,
counters, or work surfaces in the bed and breakfast establishment
shall be smooth, non-absorbent and easily cleanable.
(k) Insect proof/rodent proof.
(1) Construction. Food service preparation and storage
areas shall be constructed and maintained to prevent the entry of
pests and other vermin.
(2) Chemical control. Pesticides and rodenticides shall
be applied in accordance with Food Code, Subpart 7-206.
(l) Equipment. Equipment shall be provided to maintain
time and temperature control for safety foods (TCS foods) at the temperatures
required in accordance with Food Code, Chapter 3 - Food.
(m) Garbage receptacles. Impervious receptacles shall
be provided for storage of garbage and refuse.
(n) Sewage. Sewage shall be disposed through an approved
facility that is:
(1) a public sewage system; or
(2) an individual sewage disposal system that is sized,
constructed, maintained, and operated according to law in 30 TAC Chapter
285 (relating to On-Site Sewage Facilities).
(o) Water supply. Hot and cold water under pressure
shall be provided and shall be from an approved source that meets
the standards in accordance with:
(1) state drinking water quality standards in accordance
with 30 TAC §§290.38 - 290.47 (relating to Rules and Regulations
for Public Water Systems), and 30 TAC §§290.101 - 290.114,
290.117 - 290.119, 290.121, and 290.122 (relating to Drinking Water
Standards Governing Drinking Water Quality and Reporting Requirements
for Public Water Systems); or
(2) private water system standards as provided in 30
TAC Chapter 290, Subchapter F (relating to Drinking Water Standards
Governing Drinking Water Quality and Reporting Requirements for Public
Water Systems), concerning transient noncommunity water systems.