(a) An individual's service planning team must determine
during the person-centered planning process whether an individual
desires to work and if so, the individual's case manager or service
coordinator must:
(1) document the individual's desire to work on the
individual's person-centered service plan; and
(2) complete the HHSC Employment First Discovery Tool
available on the HHSC website to determine:
(A) the individual's employment goals; and
(B) the employment opportunities and employment services
available to the individual through the program in which the individual
is enrolled.
(b) An individual's service planning team must use
the individual's employment goals, employment opportunities, and the
employment services chosen by the individual to develop the individual's
person-centered service plan.
(c) An individual's case manager or service coordinator
must ensure that the requirements in subsections (a) and (b) of this
section are followed when the individual's service planning team meets
(1) develop the individual's person-centered service
plan upon:
(A) initial enrollment; and
(B) for annual renewals; and
(2) revise the individual's person-centered service
plan if the purpose of the revision is because the individual expresses
a desire to work and the individual's person-centered service plan
does not include an employment service.