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RULE §301.13Provisions for Community Services Contracts

(a) The local authority must ensure that all its community services contracts are consistent with the local authority's performance contract and with the model contracts designed by TDMHMR as required by the Texas Health and Safety Code, §534.055(c).

(b) The local authority must include in all of its community services contracts that are funded by TDMHMR provisions stating:

  (1) the contract term;

  (2) the community service(s) to be purchased;

  (3) the identification of all parties;

  (4) the total allowable payment or, if the community service is procured through open enrollment or is on a capitated basis, the rate of payment;

  (5) the method of payment;

  (6) that the contractor must comply with all applicable federal and state laws, rules, and regulations, including:

    (A) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964;

    (B) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973;

    (C) the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA); and

    (D) the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967;

  (7) that if, as a result of a change to a TDMHMR rule or state or federal law, the contractual obligations of the contractor are materially changed or a significant financial burden is placed on the contractor, then the parties may renegotiate in good faith to amend the contract;

  (8) that no consumer will be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or unlawfully discriminated against, in any program or activity funded by the contract on the grounds of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, or political affiliation in accordance with applicable laws;

  (9) that all documents pertinent to the contract, including consumer records, will be retained by the contractor for a period of five years;

  (10) that all consumer-identifying information will be maintained by the contractor as confidential in accordance with applicable law and Chapter 414, Subchapter A of this title (relating to Client-Identifying Information);

  (11) that the contractor, its licensed staff, and other appropriate staff (such as QMHP-CS) will be credentialed before services are delivered to consumers by such contractor and staff;

  (12) a dispute resolution process;

  (13) the clearly defined performance expectations which directly relate to the community service's objectives, including goals, outputs, and measurable outcomes, and that the contractor must provide services in accordance with such expectations;

  (14) that any allegation of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a consumer under the contract will be reported in accordance with applicable law, TDMHMR rules, and Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services rules;

  (15) that AIDS/HIV workplace guidelines, similar to those adopted by TDMHMR and AIDS/HIV confidentiality guidelines and consistent with state and federal law, will be adopted and implemented by the contractor;

  (16) that the contractor will comply with the relevant TDMHMR rules, certifications, accreditations, and licenses, that are specified in the contract;

  (17) that services will be provided in accordance with consumers' treatment plans;

  (18) that pursuant to Texas Health and Safety Code, §534.061, TDMHMR, the local authority, and their designees, including independent financial auditors, shall have, with reasonable notice, unrestricted access to all facilities, records, data, and other information under the control of the contractor as necessary to enable the local authority to audit, monitor, and review all financial and programmatic activities and services associated with the contract;

  (19) any sanctions and remedies the local authority may take in response to the contractor's failure to comply with the contract provisions; and

  (20) that the contractor will immediately notify the local authority of any change, or potential change, in its status that could affect its inclusion in the provider network.

(c) The local authority must include in all of its community services contracts for residential services that are funded by TDMHMR provisions stating:

  (1) that the contractor shall provide evidence of criminal history record information on the contractor's applicants, employees, and volunteers, pursuant to the Texas Health and Safety Code, §533.007 and Chapter 250; the Texas Government Code, §411.115; and Chapter 414, Subchapter K of this title (relating to Criminal History Clearances); and

  (2) that if an applicant, employee, or volunteer of the contractor has a criminal history relevant to his or her employment as described in Chapter 414, Subchapter K of this title (relating to Criminal History Clearances), then the contractor will take appropriate action with respect to the applicant, employee, or volunteer, including terminating or removing the employee or volunteer from direct contact with consumers served by the contractor.

(d) Community services contracts that require the contractor to assume responsibility for the funds of a consumer must contain provisions requiring the contractor to have and abide by a written policy, which is subject to approval by the local authority, for protecting and accounting for such funds in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

Source Note: The provisions of this §301.13 adopted to be effective April 22, 2001, 26 TexReg 2845; transferred effective August 15, 2024, as published in the July 19, 2024, issue of the Texas Register, 49 TexReg 5361

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