(a) All fees paid to DARS DHHS in relation to the Board
for Evaluation of Interpreters (BEI) certification program are non-refundable.
DARS is authorized to collect fees for written and performance tests,
for annual certificate renewal, and for five-year recertification.
The schedule of fees is as follows.
(1) Administrative, application, and test fees:
(A) Test of English Proficiency (TEP)--$95.
(B) American Sign Language Proficiency Test for persons
who are deaf or hard of hearing--$75.
(C) Basic Performance Test--$145.
(D) Advanced Performance Test--$170.
(E) Master Performance Test--$195.
(F) Oral Certificate: Basic (OC:B) Performance Test--$85.
(G) Oral Certificate: Comprehensive (OC:C) Performance
(H) Oral Certificate: Visible (OC:V) Performance Test--$50.
(I) Signing Exact English (SEE) Performance Test--$85.
(J) Morphemic Sign System (MSS) Performance Test--$85.
(K) Performance Test for persons who are deaf or hard
of hearing--$75.
(L) Test of Spanish Proficiency (TSP)--$95.
(M) Advanced Trilingual Performance Test--$160.
(N) Master Trilingual Performance Test--$185.
(O) Medical Performance Test--$185.
(P) Court application fee--$50.
(Q) Court Interpreter Performance Test--$185.
(R) Court mentor application fee--$60.
(S) Certificate card replacement--$25.
(2) Application fees for persons applying for certification
who are BEI certified by another state:
(A) Basic certificate--$50.
(B) Advanced certificate--$50.
(C) Master certificate--$50.
(3) Single certificate renewal and five-year recertification
(A) Annual certificate renewal (on time)--$75.
(B) Annual certificate renewal (1-90 days after expiration
(C) Annual certificate renewal (91-364 days after expiration
(D) Court certificate annual renewal (on time)--$55.
(E) Court certificate annual renewal (1-90 days after
expiration date)--$82.50.
(F) Court certificate annual renewal (91-364 days after
expiration date)--$110.
(G) Five-year recertification (on time)--$70.
(H) Five-year recertification (1-90 days after expiration
(I) Five-year recertification (91-364 days after expiration
(J) Court certificate five-year recertification (on
(K) Court certificate five-year recertification (1-90
days after expiration date)--$75.
(L) Court certificate five-year recertification (91-364
days after expiration date)--$100.
(4) Multiple certificate renewal and five-year recertification
(A) Annual certificate renewal (on time)--$105.
(B) Annual certificate renewal (1-90 days after expiration
(C) Annual certificate renewal (91-364 days after expiration
(D) Five-year recertification (on time)--$100.
(E) Five-year recertification (1-90 days after expiration
(F) Five-year recertification (91-364 days after expiration
(b) The application and test fees are waived for an
applicant seeking court certification if the applicant is:
(1) a military service member or military veteran whose
military service, training, or education substantially meets all of
the requirements for the license; or
(2) a military service member, military veteran, or
military spouse who holds a current license issued by another jurisdiction
that has licensing requirements that are substantially equivalent
to the requirements for the license in this state.
(c) Any remittance submitted to DARS DHHS in payment
of a required fee shall be in the form of a personal check, certified
check, or money order unless this section requires otherwise. Checks
drawn on foreign financial institutions are not acceptable.
(d) An applicant whose check for the application and
initial certification fee is returned marked insufficient funds, account
closed, or payment stopped shall be allowed to reinstate the application
by remitting to DARS DHHS a money order or check for guaranteed funds
within 30 days of the date of the receipt of the notice by DARS DHHS.
Otherwise, the application and the approval shall be invalid. A penalty
fee of $25, in addition to the amount of the check, must be included
with the payment remitted to the DARS DHHS office.
(e) A certificate holder whose check for a renewal
fee is returned marked insufficient funds, account closed, or payment
stopped shall remit to DARS DHHS a money order or check for guaranteed
funds within 30 days of the date of receipt of the notice by DARS
DHHS. Otherwise, the certificate shall not be renewed. If a renewal
card has already been issued, it shall be invalid. If the guaranteed
funds are received after expiration date, a late renewal penalty fee
shall be assessed. A penalty fee of $25, in addition to the amount
of the check, must be included with the payment remitted to the DARS
DHHS office.
(f) Renewing an expired certificate within 12 months
of the expiration date requires payment of the applicable renewal
Source Note: The provisions of this §360.231 adopted to be effective September 15, 2014, 39 TexReg 7342; amended to be effective August 2, 2015, 40 TexReg 4823; amended to be effective April 6, 2016, 41 TexReg 2503; transferred effective March 1, 2021, as published in the Texas Register February 5, 2021, 46 TexReg 946 |