(a) General infection control measures. Universal precautions
shall be followed in the facility for all patient care activities
in accordance with Code of Federal Regulations, Title 29 §1910.1030(d)(1)
- (3) (relating to Bloodborne Pathogens) and Texas Health and Safety
Code Chapter 85, Subchapter I (relating to Prevention of Transmission
of HIV and Hepatitis B Virus by Infected Health Care Workers).
(b) Physical environment.
(1) A facility shall develop, implement, and enforce
policies and procedures to provide and actively monitor a safe, functional,
comfortable, and sanitary environment that minimizes or prevents transmission
of infectious diseases for all patients and visitors and the public.
(2) Blood spills shall be cleaned immediately or as
soon as is practical with a disposable cloth and an appropriate chemical
(A) If a commercial liquid chemical disinfectant is
used, the surface shall be subjected to intermediate-level disinfection
in accordance with the manufacturer's directions for use.
(B) If a solution of chlorine bleach (sodium hypochlorite)
is used, the solution shall be at least 1:100 sodium hypochlorite
and mixed in accordance with the manufacturer's directions for use.
The surface to be treated shall be compatible with this type of chemical
(C) The facility shall use dedicated cleaning supplies
(i.e., mop, bucket) for cleaning blood spills.