(a) An administrator of a center must be responsible
for implementing and supervising the administrative policies and operations
of the center and for administratively supervising the provision of
all services to minors on a day-to-day basis.
(b) A center's administrator must:
(1) ensure that the center complies with applicable
federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations;
(2) manage the daily operations of the center;
(3) organize and direct the center's ongoing functions;
(4) ensure the availability of qualified staff and
ancillary services to ensure the health, safety, and proper care of
each minor;
(5) ensure criminal history, employee misconduct registry,
nurse aide registry, and medication aide registry checks are conducted
for required staff before employment;
(6) ensure the implementation of the center's training
program policies and procedures;
(7) familiarize staff with regulatory issues, as well
as the center's policies and procedures;
(8) ensure that the documentation of services provided
is accurate and timely;
(9) manage census records, including daily, actual,
and total, in accordance with §550.803 of this chapter (relating
to Census);
(10) ensure that the center immediately notifies a
minor's parent of any and all accidents or unusual incidents involving
their minor or that had the potential to cause injury or harm to a
(11) ensure that the center provides written notice
to the parent of accidents or unusual incidents involving their minor
on the day of occurrence;
(12) maintain a record of accidents or unusual incidents
involving a minor or staff member that caused, or had the potential
to cause, injury or harm to a person or property at the center;
(13) maintain a copy of current contractor agreements
with third party providers contracted by the center;
(14) maintain a copy of current written agreements
with each contractor;
(15) ensure adequate staff education and evaluations
according to requirements in §550.415 of this subchapter (relating
to Staffing Policies for Staff Orientation, Development, and Training);
(16) maintain documented development programs for all
(17) ensure the accuracy of public information materials
and activities made available and presented on behalf of the center;
(18) ensure implementation of an effective budgeting
and accounting system consistent with good business practice that
promotes the health and safety of the center's minors; and
(19) supervise the annual distribution and evaluation
of the responses to the parent-satisfaction surveys on all minors
Source Note: The provisions of this §550.304 adopted to be effective September 1, 2014, 39 TexReg 6569; transferred effective May 1, 2019, as published in the Texas Register April 12, 2019, 44 TexReg 1875; amended to be effective October 16, 2024, 49 TexReg 7929 |