(a) DFPS investigations of child abuse, neglect, or
exploitation remain confidential after DFPS provides the information
to Licensing as described in Texas Human Resources Code §40.042(f).
(b) A person must request information related to an
investigation conducted by DFPS from DFPS.
(c) We may release information related to a DFPS investigation
in our records to:
(1) An operation to support a licensing statute, rule,
or minimum standard deficiency that we assessed against the operation,
so long as we redact any confidential information;
(2) An operation if Licensing determines that the operation
needs the information to protect the health, safety, or well-being
of a child, and the release is compliant with state and federal law
including the federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act; or
(3) Any other person or entity authorized by state
or federal law to have a copy.
(d) Any operation, person, or entity that receives
information related to a DFPS child abuse, neglect, or exploitation
investigation under this section:
(1) May only use the DFPS investigation information
for the purpose or duty that authorized the release of the information;
(2) May not release the DFPS investigation information
to any other person or entity that is not authorized to have the information
under this section.