(a) A PRYTF must apply to renew the PRYTF certificate
every two years after the date Child Care Regulation (CCR) issues
the certificate.
(b) A PRYTF must timely apply to renew the PRYTF certificate,
even if:
(1) There is a pending civil or administrative penalty
against the PRYTF; or
(2) The general residential operation or PRYTF is under
an enforcement action.
(c) During the year that the PRYTF renews the PRYTF
certificate, the renewal period:
(1) Begins 60 calendar days before the anniversary
of when CCR issued the PRYTF certificate; and
(2) Ends on the date of the anniversary.
(d) If the PRYTF is late in applying for renewal of
the PRYTF certificate, the PRYTF has 30 additional calendar days after
the renewal period to apply for renewal.