(a) After receiving a PRYTF renewal application, CCR
evaluates whether:
(1) The PRYTF completed the renewal application as
required by §745.9069 of this division (relating to What does
a completed renewal application for a psychiatric residential youth
treatment facility (PRYTF) certificate include?);
(2) The general residential operation license is current
and approved to provide treatment services to children with emotional
(3) The PRYTF has paid each administrative penalty
that the PRYTF owes after waiving or exhausting any due process provided
under Texas Health and Safety Code §571.025; and
(4) The PRYTF meets the statutory, rule, and minimum
standard requirements after CCR inspects the PRYTF.
(b) Within 30 calendar days of receiving the renewal
application, CCR will send written notice that:
(1) CCR has renewed the PRYTF certificate;
(2) The PRYTF renewal application is incomplete because
it did not meet one or more of the renewal application requirements
in subsection (a) of this section; or
(3) CCR refuses to renew the PRYTF certificate because:
(A) The PRYTF did not submit a completed PRYTF renewal
(B) The PRYTF is no longer accredited as required by §748.4823(a)
of this title (relating to When must a psychiatric residential youth
treatment facility (PRYTF) notify Child Care Regulation (CCR) about
accreditation changes regarding the PRYTF?);
(C) The general residential operation does not have
a license;
(D) The general residential operation is not approved
to provide treatment services to children with emotional disorders;
(E) The PRYTF did not pay the PRYTF certificate renewal
(F) The PRYTF did not pay an administrative penalty
that the PRYTF owes after waiving or exhausting any due process provided
under Texas Health and Safety Code §571.025; or
(G) After inspecting the PRYTF, CCR determined that
it does not meet the statute, rule, and minimum standard requirements.
(c) If the PRYTF renewal application is incomplete,
the written notice will include:
(1) CCR's determination that the PRYTF did not meet
one or more of the renewal application requirements in subsection
(a) of this section; and
(2) A list of the requirements that the PRYTF must
complete before CCR can renew the PRYTF certificate.
(d) If the PRYTF submitted an incomplete renewal application
during the renewal period, the PRYTF may attempt to submit the missing
information until the PRYTF certificate expires.
(e) If the PRYTF submitted an incomplete renewal application
during the late renewal period, the PRYTF has 15 calendar days to
submit a completed application from the date CCR determined that the
renewal application was incomplete.