(a) A PRYTF certificate expires if:
(1) The PRYTF does not submit a renewal application
during the renewal period or late renewal period;
(2) The PRYTF submits a renewal application during
the renewal period, the PRYTF was notified that the application was
incomplete, and the PRYTF did not submit a completed renewal application
before the end of the late renewal period; or
(3) The PRYTF submits a renewal application during
the late renewal period, the PRYTF was notified that the application
was incomplete, and the PRYTF did not submit a completed renewal application
within 15 calendar days after notification.
(b) If the PRYTF certificate expires:
(1) Within 24 hours, the general residential operation
(GRO) must inform the following persons that the PRYTF certificate
has expired;
(A) All parents of children receiving psychiatric health
treatments and services; and
(B) Young adults and any guardians of the young adults
receiving psychiatric health treatments and services;
(2) The GRO must immediately:
(A) Discharge and stop providing care to the young
adults 18 to 21 years of age receiving psychiatric health treatments
and services unless the young adult meets the requirements of §748.1931
of this title (relating to After a child in my care turns 18 years
old, may the person remain in my care?);
(B) For children receiving psychiatric health treatments
and services:
(i) Enroll the child into the general residential operation,
if appropriate; or
(ii) Discharge the child to the child's parents.
(3) Before the GRO that had the PRYTF certificate can
operate again as a PRYTF, the PRYTF must submit a new PRYTF application,
materials, and PRYTF certificate application fee.