(a) A caregiver must complete the number of annual
training hours described in the following chart:
Attached Graphic
(b) For a home with two foster parents, the foster
parents may combine their individual training hours to meet the total
number of required annual training hours. If each foster parent is
required to complete 10 hours, they must collectively complete 20
hours. If each foster parent is required to complete 25 hours, they
must collectively complete 50 hours. But the foster parents do not
have to split the total number of required hours equally, if:
(1) Each foster parent completes each of the required
annual training hours noted in subsection (c) of this section; and
(2) They complete the combined total number of required
hours for annual training.
(c) For the annual training hours described in subsection
(a) of this section, each caregiver must complete the following specific
types of training and hours:
Attached Graphic
(d) To meet the mandated annual training requirements
in subsection (c) of this section, the training must comply with the
applicable curriculum requirements in Division 8 of this subchapter
(relating to Topics and Curriculum Components for Annual Training).
(e) After completing the type of annual training required
in subsection (c) of this section, any remaining number of annual
training hours must be in areas appropriate to the needs of children
for whom the caregiver provides care, as required by §749.941
of this subchapter (relating to What areas or topics are appropriate
for annual training?).