Facilities using thermoset resins (excluding resins that do not emit
air contaminants) to manufacture or repair products are permitted by rule,
provided that the following conditions of this section are satisfied for paragraph
(1) and either paragraph (2) or (3) of this section.
(1) The following requirements shall apply to all thermoset
resin facilities.
(A) Before construction begins, the facility must be registered
with the commission using Form PI-7.
(B) Records of resin and acetone usage shall be kept on a monthly
and calendar year-to-date basis to show compliance with this section, and
shall be maintained for the most recent 24 months.
(C) All resin spraying and cleaning operations shall be conducted
between two hours before sunrise and two hours after sunset. The exhaust fan(s)
must be operating during and for at least 30 minutes after any usage of resin
and/or cleaning solvents.
(D) All solid trim grinding operations shall be vented through
a dry filter system or a water wash system which has a particulate removal
efficiency of at least 95%. Particulates trapped in the dry filter system
or water wash sludge shall be handled and stored in a way to minimize the
escape of fugitive dust emissions.
(E) No more than five tons of acetone shall be used per year
(gross usage minus waste disposal).
(2) The following requirements shall apply to facilities
that have spraying operations (the facilities may include non-spraying operations).
(A) No more than 75 tons of resin and gelcoat combined shall
be used per year (gross usage minus waste disposal).
(B) All resin spraying operations shall be conducted in a booth
or an enclosed work area and the emissions shall be exhausted through elevated
stack(s). All stacks shall discharge vertically to the atmosphere with no
restrictions or obstructions to flow. Each stack shall meet one of the following
minimum requirements:
(i) a flow rate of 20,000 actual cubic feet per minute (acfm)
and the greater of six feet above the peak of the manufacturing building or
25 feet above ground level; or
(ii) a flow rate of 15,000 acfm and the greater of six feet
above the peak of the manufacturing building or 30 feet above ground level.
(C) No more than 1,000 pounds per year of resin shall be used
(D) If annual resin usage is less than 1,000 pounds, a facility
is exempt from all requirements of this section except recordkeeping (paragraph
(1)(B) of this section).
(3) The following requirements shall apply only to
non-spraying operations.
(A) No more than 150 tons of resin and gelcoat combined shall
be used per year (gross usage minus waste disposal).
(B) All resin operations shall be conducted in a booth or an
enclosed work area or the manufacturing building and the emissions shall be
exhausted through elevated stack(s). All stacks shall discharge vertically
to the atmosphere with no restrictions or obstructions to flow. Each stack
shall meet one of the following minimum requirements:
(i) a flow rate of 20,000 acfm and the greater of six feet
above the peak of the manufacturing building or 25 feet above ground level;
(ii) a flow rate of 15,000 acfm and the greater of six feet
above the peak of the manufacturing building or 30 feet above ground level.
(C) No more than 3,000 pounds per year of resin shall be used
(D) If annual resin usage is less than 3,000 pounds, a facility
is exempt from all requirements of this section except recordkeeping (paragraph
(1)(B) of this section).