Surface coating or stripping facilities, excluding vehicle repair and
refinishing shops, shall meet the following conditions of this section to
be permitted by rule.
(1) This section does not cover metalizing (spraying molten
metal onto a surface to form a coating). However, this section does cover
the use of coatings which contain metallic pigments.
(2) All facilities covered by this section at a site shall
implement good housekeeping procedures to minimize fugitive emissions, including
the following.
(A) All spills shall be cleaned up immediately.
(B) The booth or work area exhaust fans shall be operating
when cleaning spray guns and other equipment.
(C) All new and used coatings and solvents shall be stored
in closed containers. All waste coatings and solvents shall be removed from
the site by an authorized disposal service or disposed of at a permitted on-site
waste management facility.
(3) Drying or curing ovens shall either be electric
or meet the following conditions:
(A) The maximum heat input to any oven must not exceed 40 million
British thermal units per hour (Btu/hr).
(B) Heat shall be provided by the combustion of one of the
following: sweet natural gas; liquid petroleum gas; fuel gas containing no
more than 5.0 grains of total sulfur compounds (calculated as sulfur) per
100 dry standard cubic foot; or Number 2 fuel oil with not more than 0.3%
sulfur by weight.
(4) No add-on control equipment shall be used to
meet the emissions limits of this section. The total uncontrolled emissions
from the coating materials (as applied) and cleanup solvents shall not exceed
the following for all operations:
(A) 25 tons per year (tpy) of volatile organic compounds (VOC)
and ten tpy of exempt solvents for all surface coating and stripping operations
covered by section at a site;
(B) 30 pounds per hour (lb/hr) of VOC and 5.0 lb/hr of exempt
solvents for all surface coating and stripping operations covered by this
section at a site;
(C) if emissions are less than 0.25 lb/hr of VOC and/or exempt
solvents, a facility is exempt from the remaining requirements of this section,
including paragraphs (5) - (9) of this section.
(5) Opacity of visible emissions shall not exceed
5.0%. Compliance shall be determined by the United States Environmental Protection
Agency Method 9 averaged over a six-minute period.
(6) The following conditions apply to surface coating
operations performed indoors, in a booth, or in an enclosed work area:
(A) no more than six lb/hr of VOC emissions, averaged over
any five-hour period, and 500 pounds per week per booth or enclosed work area;
(B) minimum face velocity at the intake opening of each booth
or work area is 100 feet per minute (ft/min). Emissions shall be exhausted
through elevated stacks that extend at least 1.5 times the building height
above ground level. All stacks shall discharge vertically; rain protection
shall not restrict or obstruct vertical flow;
(C) for spraying operations, emissions of particulate matter
must be controlled using either a water wash system or a dry filter system
with a 95% removal efficiency as documented by the manufacturer. The face
velocity at the filter shall not exceed 250 ft/min or that specified by the
filter manufacturer, whichever is less. Filters shall be replaced whenever
the pressure drop across the filter no longer meets the manufacturer's recommendation.
(7) For surface coating operations that are performed
outdoors or in a non-enclosed work area, or for indoor operations that do
not meet the conditions of paragraph (6) of this section, the following conditions
(A) No more than six lb/hr of VOC emissions, averaged over
any five-hour period, and 500 pounds per week shall be emitted at any time
for all operations authorized by this paragraph.
(B) If coatings applied with spray equipment contain more than
0.1% by weight of chromates, lead, cadmium, selenium, strontium, or cobalt,
then total VOC emissions shall be further limited to 240 pounds per week and
2,000 pounds per year. If coatings are applied with non-spray equipment (such
as brushes, rollers, dipping or flow coating), the additional restrictions
in this paragraph do not apply.
(C) Coating operations shall be conducted at least 50 feet
from the property line and at least 250 feet from any recreational area, residence,
or other structure not occupied or used solely by the owner or operator of
the facility or the owner of the property upon which the facility is located.
(D) Before construction of the facility begins, written site
approval shall be received from the appropriate regional office of the commission
or any local program having jurisdiction.
(8) The following records shall be maintained at
the plant site for the most recent 24 months and be made immediately available
to the commission or any pollution control agency with jurisdiction:
(A) material safety data sheets for all coating materials and
(B) data of daily coatings and solvent use and the actual hours
of operation of each coating or stripping operation;
(C) a monthly report that represents actual hours of operation
each day, and emissions from each operation in the following categories:
(i) pounds per hour;
(ii) pounds per day;
(iii) pounds per week; and
(iv) tons emitted from the site during the previous 12 months;
(D) examples of the method of data reduction including units,
conversion factors, assumptions, and the basis of the assumptions.
(9) Before construction begins, the facility shall
be registered with the commission using Form PI-7.