(a) All engines and equipment that fall within the scope of
preemption as specified in the FCAA, §209(e)(1), as amended on November
15, 1990 (42 United States Code, §7543(e)(1)), and Title 40 Code of Federal
Regulations, §85.1604, concerning Adoption of California Standards by
Other States, as amended on December 30, 1997, are specifically excluded from
the requirements of this division.
(b) The following new non-road, large spark-ignition engines
are exempt from the requirements of this division:
(1) engines operated on or in any device used exclusively
upon stationary rails or tracks;
(2) engines used to propel marine vessels;
(3) internal combustion engines attached to a foundation
at a specific location for at least 12 consecutive months;
(4) non-road, recreational vehicles and snowmobiles;
(5) stationary or transportable gas turbines used for
power generation.