(a) For the purposes of this division (relating to Alternate
Means of Control), "compliance date" shall mean the date by which a source
must comply with new or modified sections of this chapter.
(b) Unless revised to reflect new regulatory requirements,
an alternative means of control (AMOC) plan becomes void on the compliance
date specified for a new or modified section of this chapter affecting a source
subject to an AMOC plan.
(c) The holder of an AMOC plan shall comply with the requirements
of this chapter if the AMOC plan becomes void.
(d) Upon final approval of an AMOC plan, the owner or operator
of the facilities affected by such plan shall keep a copy of the plan on the
site affected by the plan and shall make the plan available upon request to
representatives of the executive director, EPA, or any local air pollution
control agency having jurisdiction in the area.
(e) Upon request, each holder of an AMOC plan shall submit
to the executive director a demonstration that the plan continues to meet
all applicable criteria of this division.
(f) An AMOC holder is responsible for obtaining a new AMOC
plan prior to the compliance date of any new or modified regulation of this
chapter that affects a source subject to an AMOC plan.