(a) The compliance date is 60 days after publication
in the Federal Register of the final
approval by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
of all or portions of §§116.13, 116.710, 116.711, 116.714
- 116.718, 116.720 - 116.722, 116.740, 116.750, 116.760, and 116.765
of this title (relating to Flexible Permit Definitions; Applicability;
Flexible Permit Application; Application Review Schedule; General
and Special Conditions; Emission Caps and Individual Emission Limitations;
Implementation Schedule for Additional Controls; Significant Emission
Increase; Limitation on Physical and Operational Changes; Amendments
and Alterations; Distance Limitations; Public Notice and Comment;
Flexible Permit Fee; Flexible Permit Renewal; and Compliance Schedule)
submitted to the EPA as revisions to the Texas State Implementation
(b) Until the compliance date specified by subsection
(a) of this section, applications for flexible permits are governed
by §§116.710, 116.711, 116.715 - 116.718, 116.720, 116.721,
116.730, 116.740 and 116.750 of this title, as they existed immediately
before January 5, 2011, and those rules are continued in effect for
that purpose. All other sections in this subchapter remain applicable
to applications for flexible permits.