(a) Site access.
(1) A lift station must be located in a right-of-way
or a permanent easement.
(2) A lift station site must be accessible by truck
during all weather conditions, including a 25-year, 24-hour rainfall
(3) A road surface used to access a lift station must
have a minimum width of 12 feet.
(b) Security.
(1) The design of a lift station, including all mechanical
and electrical equipment, must restrict access by an unauthorized
(2) A lift station must include an intruder-resistant
fence, or must be completely enclosed by an intruder-resistant enclosure
approved in writing by the executive director.
(A) An intruder-resistant fence or intruder-resistant
enclosure must be locked at each access point.
(B) An intruder-resistant fence must be at least 6.0
feet tall, and the bottom of the fence must be close enough to surface
grade to prevent human access.
(C) An intruder-resistant fence must be constructed
of wood, concrete, masonry, or metal. Other materials may be used,
but only if approved in writing by the executive director.
(D) The top of an intruder-resistant fence must have
at least three strands of barbed wire. A fence that is at least 8.0
feet tall does not require barbed wire. The top of an intruder-resistant
fence may have outwardly-directed iron bars spaced on four-inch centers
instead of barbed wire.
(3) Above-ground valves located outside of an intruder-resistant
fence must be chained and locked to prevent unauthorized operation.
A valve does not need to be chained if the valve is located below
ground or if the valve is fully enclosed in an intruder-resistant
enclosure designed to prevent unauthorized operation.
(c) Flood Protection. The design of a lift station,
including all electrical and mechanical equipment, must be designed
to withstand and operate during a 100-year flood event, including
wave action.
(d) Odor Control. An owner shall implement odor control
measures necessary to prevent a lift station from becoming a nuisance.