(a) The executive director shall approve training that
provides the knowledge or skills necessary to obtain or maintain licenses
or registrations that are issued by the commission. This training
shall be directly related to tasks performed by persons whose duties
require a license or registration in a program that is administered
by the commission.
(b) The executive director may approve specific training
delivery methods, to include:
(1) classroom training;
(2) conferences;
(3) technology-based training;
(4) correspondence courses or similar distance training;
(5) association meetings that include training sessions
containing subject matter related to the particular license; or
(6) other professional activities, such as the publication
of articles.
(c) The executive director shall award training credit
for successful completion of approved training used for obtaining
or renewing a license.
(d) The executive director shall determine the occupational
program(s) and number of hours of training credit that will be granted
for approved training. The executive director may:
(1) use the provider's subject matter experts' qualifications
to determine the program(s); and
(2) request field testing data from training providers
to validate the hours requested.
(e) Training providers who submit applications for
approval must:
(1) utilize a standard form and method provided by
the executive director;
(2) include the applicable fee found in the chart contained
in subsection (g) of this section;
(3) include supplemental information and materials
according to the specific requirements for each method of training
as approved by the executive director;
(4) include supplemental materials and information
edited by subject matter experts;
(5) include samples of certificates of completion,
including information as required by the executive director;
(6) document approval from the publisher to reprint
text, pictures, graphics, tables, data, and any other information
that is copyrighted or obtained from a source that is not an original
creation of the training provider. The training materials submitted
shall include appropriate references; and
(7) respond to any deficiencies within 60 days of the
notification provided by the executive director or the application
will become void and the fee forfeited.
(f) The executive director shall determine whether
a provider meets the requirements of this subchapter.
(g) Fees for training applications will be calculated
based on the number of requested training credit hours or type of
association meetings using the following table. If the requested hours
are significantly different than the actual hours of training awarded,
the executive director may request an adjustment in the fee from the
applicant. If the applicant does not provide the adjusted fee, the
application will not be processed, resulting in denial of training
approval. Fees are nonrefundable whether the training is approved
or not approved.
Attached Graphic
(h) Training delivered to meet the requirements for
obtaining or renewing a license must:
(1) be approved by the executive director before the
training begins;
(2) provide the knowledge or skills necessary to perform
one or more of the occupation's critical job tasks as determined by
a job analysis or training needs assessment;
(3) not promote or endorse the products, product lines,
or services of a manufacturer, distributor, or service provider or
used as an opportunity for advertisement;
(4) provide the means to accomplish the learning objectives
identified for the training;
(5) contain learning aids, such as visual aids and
graphics. Training must be interactive in order to enhance learning
and attain learning objectives;
(6) include regular monitoring of student comprehension
throughout the training and provide feedback from the training provider,
instructor, or subject matter expert to the student;
(7) be monitored for successful student completion;
(8) track student time and progress toward completing
learning objectives; and
(9) utilize, at a minimum, subject matter experts and
instructional design experts or effective qualified instructors to
develop training materials for approval. Additionally, development
of technology-based training must also utilize qualified subject matter
experts in technology delivery methods.
(i) Training shall not be advertised as approved until
notice of approval is received from the executive director.
(j) Training may not be held in a place of business
of a product manufacturer, distributor, or service provider directly
related to the occupational license for which the training provider
seeks approval.
(k) Once training is approved, training providers may
offer the training without notification to the executive director.
(l) Training is considered approved until the content
changes, or until the executive director notifies the training provider
that changes in the content or delivery of the training are required.
(m) If a training provider changes the delivery method
of the training, the training must be submitted for review and approval
by the executive director.
(n) The executive director may:
(1) deny applications for training courses that contain
extensive errors or do not meet the requirements of this section;
(2) conduct an administrative review for application
completeness and a technical review for compliance with applicable
agency rules;
(3) monitor, recall, reevaluate, and/or rescind approval
of topics or training materials;
(4) require training providers to update training delivery
methods or training materials to ensure that the content reflects
current technology and practices;
(5) deny an application after determination that another
delivery method is more conducive for the training material; and
(6) recall training for reevaluation which may result
in rescinding any previous approval.
(o) The executive director's grounds for recalling,
rescinding, suspending, or denying approval include, but are not limited
(1) the training does not conform to current accepted
industry standard practices or agency rules;
(2) the training does not conform to the materials
or method as approved;
(3) the subject matter is not related to critical job
tasks performed by licensees;
(4) an instructor is not qualified to teach the subject
(5) an instructor is ineffective in the delivery of
the subject matter;
(6) the training promotes or endorses products, product
lines, or services from a manufacturer, distributor, or service provider;
(7) the training credits for successfully completed
training are not electronically submitted within 14 business days
of course completion;
(8) the records, rosters, or application materials
have been falsified;
(9) the training provider does not comply with a training
(10) the training provider is not active or training
has not been conducted for three or more years; or
(11) the training environment is not conducive to learning.
(p) The following types of training will not be approved
or awarded training credit:
(1) distance training or webinars that are repeated
during the renewal period;
(2) distance training that is intended to teach required
manual skills; or
(3) webinar training that is submitted to qualify an
applicant for an initial license.
(q) Approved training providers shall:
(1) ensure the executive director has the most current
electronic edition of training materials;
(2) keep manuals and training content updated to reflect
rule changes;
(3) submit approved training material that references
rules for reapproval within 180 days of any new rule adoption that
pertains to that training;
(4) submit material with substantial changes, including
a summary, list, or other indication of changes, for review and reapproval
by the executive director;
(5) allow the executive director staff or their agents
access to training in order to audit training content, manner of delivery,
and the effectiveness and qualifications of instructors and subject
matter experts;
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