Registration requirements for scrap tire storage sites, scrap tire facilities, transportation facilities, and transporters are as follows: (1) An application for a registration shall be made on a form obtained from the executive director, upon request. The applicant may deliver the completed application to any commission regional office or mail it to the following address: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Mail Code 174, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. The following registration information must be provided to the executive director: (A) the name, mailing address, county, and telephone and facsimile numbers of the applicant; (B) the name, mailing address, and telephone number of the property owner where the scrap tire storage site, scrap tire facility, or transportation facility is located; (C) the street location of the scrap tire storage site, scrap tire facility, or transportation facility, including county; (D) the approximate number of used or scrap tires or tire pieces (in tons) that will be stored at the scrap tire storage site or the scrap tire facility; (E) the existing land use surrounding the scrap tire storage site, scrap tire facility, or transportation facility; and (F) the tax identification number. (2) The application must be signed by the authorized representative and, if applicable, the professional engineer who assisted in its preparation. (3) Entities that are registered by the executive director shall maintain a copy of their commission registration notice at their designated place of business. (4) A registered entity shall provide written notice to the executive director, within 15 days, if: (A) the mailing address or telephone number of the entity changes; (B) the office or designated place of business is relocated; (C) the applicant's registered name is changed; or (D) the authorized representative has changed. If the authorized representative has changed, a registered entity shall provide a written, signed designation of the new authorized representative, including the representative's name, mailing address, and telephone and facsimile numbers. (5) Within 10 days of a change in ownership, or if a change in operations or management methods occurs such that the existing registration no longer adequately describes current operations or management methods, the registered entity shall submit a new registration application to the executive director. Following a determination, the executive director may issue a new registration, cancel the old registration or transfer the old registration to the new registrant. Timeliness of required submittals may be a factor in the executive director's determination. (6) Annulment, suspension, revocation, or denial of registration, including Land Reclamation Projects Using Tires, procedures are as follows: (A) The executive director may annul, suspend, or revoke a registration or deny an initial or renewal registration for: (i) failure to maintain complete and accurate records required under this chapter; (ii) failure to maintain vehicles in safe working order as evidenced by at least two citations per vehicle from the Texas Department of Public Safety or local traffic law enforcement agencies; (iii) failure to maintain equipment in safe working order; (iv) altering any record maintained or received by the registrant; (v) delivery of used or scrap tires or tire pieces to a facility not registered to handle the tires, unless the facility receiving the tires is exempt from registration under §328.54 of this title (relating to General Requirements); (vi) failure to comply with any rule or order issued by the commission pursuant to the requirements of this chapter; (vii) failure to submit any applicable annual report; (viii) failure to maintain financial assurance as required; (ix) dumping of used or scrap tires or tire pieces illegally; (x) collection, storage, transportation, or processing of used or scrap tires or tire pieces without registration, as required in this section; (xi) failure to notify the executive director of any change in registration information as required in paragraph (4) of this section; or (xii) failure to obtain and maintain necessary approvals or certifications from the Fire Marshal with jurisdiction over the facility location. (B) A registration shall be suspended for a period of one year; however, depending upon the seriousness of the offense(s), the time of suspension may be increased or decreased. A registration is revoked automatically upon a second suspension. If the registration is suspended or revoked, an entity shall not collect, store, transport, or process used or scrap tires or tire pieces regulated under this subchapter. (C) The holder of a registration that has been revoked by the executive director may reapply for registration under this subchapter as if applying for the first time, after a period of at least one year from the date of revocation. If a registration is revoked by the executive director a second time, the revocation shall be permanent. (D) Appeal of annulment, suspension, revocation, or denial of initial or renewal registration procedures are as follows: (i) An opportunity for a formal hearing on the annulment, suspension, or revocation of registration may be requested in writing by the registrant by certified mail, return receipt requested, provided the request is postmarked within 20 days after a notice of proposed revocation or denial of registration has been sent from the executive director to the last known address of the registrant, as shown in the records of the agency. (ii) An opportunity for a formal hearing on the denial of registration or renewal of registration may be requested in writing by the applicant by certified mail, return receipt requested, provided the request is postmarked within 20 days after a notice of denial has been sent from the executive director to the last known address. If the registration is denied, a person shall not collect, store, transport, or process used or scrap tires or tire pieces. (iii) The formal hearing under this paragraph shall be a contested case in accordance with the requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act, Texas Government Code Annotated, §2001 et seq. and the Texas Solid Waste Disposal Act, Texas Health and Safety Code Annotated Chapter 361 and the rules of the commission. |