(a) Certified Class A and Class B operators must be
re-trained in accordance with §334.602 and §334.603 of this
title (relating to Designation and Training of Classes of Operators;
and Acceptable Operator Training and Certification Processes, respectively)
within three years of their last training date.
(b) Certified Class C operators must be re-trained
in accordance with §334.602 and §334.603 of this title within
three years of their last training date. In addition, Class C operator
training is only applicable at the specific facility for which the
training was provided.
(c) If an underground storage tank (UST) facility receives
a notice of violation and the agency determines that the UST facility
is in significant noncompliance, the designated Class B operators
for that UST facility, must attend either a Texas Commission on Environmental
Quality (TCEQ) approved compliance class that addresses the noted
noncompliant areas or an acceptable operator training course as specified
in §334.603 of this title, within the time frame specified by
the TCEQ for that violation. Class B operators are not, however, required
to attend such training more than once every 12 months, regardless
of the number of their designated facilities found in violation. (For
the purposes of this subchapter, "significant noncompliance"
is defined as the failure to provide one or more of the following
in accordance with applicable TCEQ rule or Environmental Protection
Agency Significant Operational Compliance guidelines: release detection,
spill/overfill prevention, corrosion protection, or financial assurance.)
(d) Regardless of the three-year re-training requirement
in subsection (a) of this section, certified Class A and Class B operators
must be re-trained by January 1, 2020 with a course submitted to and
approved by TCEQ after April 1, 2018.