(a) Each person who possesses or uses a source of radiation
shall maintain:
(1) records of the disposal of sources of radiation, including
special wastes and transferred wastes, by incineration, by sanitary sewerage,
by any alternate method of disposal, or by burial in soil including burials
authorized under the Atomic Energy Act by the Atomic Energy Commission or
the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission and by the Texas Department
of Health rules before May 1977;
(2) appropriate records that show the radiation exposure of
each individual for whom personnel monitoring is required by the agency's
rules, licenses, registrations, and orders; and
(3) other records the agency requires.
(b) Copies of records required to be maintained under subsection
(a) of this section shall be submitted to the agency on request.
(c) A person who possesses or uses a source of radiation shall
furnish to each employee for whom personnel monitoring is required a copy
of the employee's personal exposure record at any time the employee has received
exposure that exceeds the maximum permissible levels provided by the agency's
rules and on termination of employment. The person shall furnish to an employee
on request a copy of the employee's annual exposure record.