(a) Reports to individuals of exceeding dose limits.
When a licensee is required, under the provisions of §336.352
of this title (relating to Reports of Exposures, Radiation Levels,
and Concentrations of Radioactive Material Exceeding the Limits), §336.353
of this title (relating to Reports of Planned Special Exposures),
or §336.355 of this title (relating to Reports of Individual
Monitoring), to report to the executive director any exposure of an
identified occupationally-exposed individual, or an identified member
of the public, to radiation or radioactive material, the licensee
shall also provide a copy of the report submitted to the executive
director to the individual. This report must be transmitted at a time
not later than the transmittal to the executive director.
(b) Notifications and reports to individuals. In addition
to the reports to individuals under subsection (a) of this section,
each licensee shall provide notification and reports to individuals
of exposure to radiation or radioactive material as specified in §336.405
of this title (relating to Notifications and Reports to Individuals).