(a) Bag, possession and size limits.
(1) It is unlawful while fishing on public waters to
have in possession crabs or ghost shrimp in excess of the daily bag
limit as established for those waters.
(2) There are no bag, possession, or size limits on
crabs or ghost shrimp except as provided in this section.
(3) It is unlawful to:
(A) possess egg-bearing (sponge) crabs or stone crabs;
(B) possess blue crabs less than five inches in width
(measured across the widest point of the body from tip of spine to
tip of spine) except that not more than 5.0%, by number, of undersized
crabs may be possessed for bait purposes only, if placed in a separate
container at the time of taking;
(C) remove or possess the left claw from a stone crab
(each retained claw must be at least 2-1/2 inches long as measured
from the tip of the immovable claw to the first joint behind the claw);
(D) fail to return immediately a stone crab to the
waters where caught;
(E) buy or sell a female crab that has its abdominal
apron detached; or
(F) possess more than 20 ghost shrimp (Callichiris
islagrande) for commercial purposes.
(b) It is unlawful to place, fish, or leave a crab
trap or crab trap component in the coastal waters of the state from
the third Friday in February for 10 consecutive days.
(c) There are no places closed for the taking of crabs,
except as listed within this section.