(a) The comptroller maintains the Centralized Master
Bidders List (CMBL) of the names and addresses of vendors which have
registered for inclusion on the CMBL. The CMBL is maintained for the
state's use in procuring goods and services through open and fair
competition. Solicitations shall be transmitted to vendors on the
CMBL for the solicited good and/or service designated by the vendor
for open market, term contracts, competitive sealed proposal acquisitions
and delegated purchases in excess of the non-competitive bid limit.
(b) Registration for the Centralized Master Bidders
List is an on-line process with a vendor managed web based system.
There is a $70.00 annual fee to remain registered on the CMBL.
(c) It is the vendor's responsibility to maintain their
CMBL profile to ensure correct information for receipt of bids based
on products or services which can be provided for selected districts
for the State of Texas.
(d) A vendor may be administratively removed from the
CMBL for one or more of the following reasons:
(1) failing to pay or unnecessarily delaying payment
of damages assessed by the comptroller;
(2) failing to remit the required CMBL fee; or
(3) any factor set forth in Government Code, §2155.070
and §2155.077.
(e) A vendor which has been removed from the CMBL shall
not be reinstated until expiration of the period for which the vendor
was removed and approval is granted.
(f) An error in addressing a bid invitation or request
for proposal or a failure of the post office to deliver the solicitation
will not be sufficient reason to require the comptroller to reject
all solicitation responses.
(g) State agencies shall use the CMBL to select bidders
for competitive bids or proposals and to the fullest extent possible
for purchases exempt from the comptroller's purchasing authority.
This requirement does not apply to the Texas Department of Transportation
or to an institution of higher education as defined by Education Code, §61.003,
but an institution of higher education should use the CMBL when possible.
(h) As authorized by Government Code, §2155.269,
a state agency may waive the requirement to solicit only from bidders
listed on the Centralized Master Bidders List (CMBL) by obtaining
approval from its agency head or designee to add non-CMBL bidders
to the final bid list. Non-CMBL bidders can be added to the final
bid list for specific solicitations where the requirement to solicit
only CMBL bidders is not warranted, such as to increase competition.