(a) In addition to any other violations that may arise
under Title 2, Chapter 19, Texas Agriculture Code (Citrus Budwood
and Citrus Nursery Stock Certification Program), or this subchapter,
the following are violations under this subchapter:
(1) It is a violation for any person to falsify records
required under this subchapter.
(2) It is a violation to fail to maintain or provide
records for inspection.
(3) It is a violation to refuse access to the department
to verify compliance with this chapter.
(b) Any violation under this subchapter may be subject
to civil and criminal penalties. In addition, the department may revoke
a certificate issued under §21.62 of this subchapter (relating
to Citrus Nursery Certification), and/or assess administrative penalties
under §12.020 of the Texas Agriculture Code.