(a) Each individual licensee and apprentice shall carry
his or her license or registration card at all times when performing
structural pest control activities.
(b) Upon request, each individual licensee and apprentice
shall present his or her license or registration card to:
(1) a customer;
(2) an employee of the department;
(3) an employee of the Department of State Health Services;
(4) an employee of the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency; or
(5) a state or federal law enforcement officer.
(c) Upon request, each individual licensee and apprentice
shall present a state driver's license, state identification card,
or other government issued photo identification to a customer to verify
the licensee's or apprentice's identity.
(d) Upon request, a business licensee shall present
or provide access to its business license at its place of business
(1) a customer;
(2) an employee of the department;
(3) an employee of the Department of State Health Services;
(4) an employee of the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency; or
(5) a state or federal law enforcement officer.
(e) Each business and individual licensee and apprentice
shall maintain the license or registration card so that all information
on the license or card is legible and shall apply with the department
for a replacement license or card within ten (10) calendar days of
any information on the license or card becoming illegible.
(f) A business or individual licensee or apprentice
shall not add to, alter, deface, or otherwise modify any information
placed on any license or registration card by the department.
(g) A business licensee shall prominently display its
business license number on all vehicles used by the business licensee
for customer contact or service. For purposes of this section, prominently
displayed means:
(1) permanently affixed (use of magnetic devices to
adhere license numbers shall not meet the requirements of this section);
(2) preceded by "Texas Pest Control License #" or "TPCL
(3) on either both front fenders or both front door
(4) in letters and numbers no less than two (2) inches
in height and one (1) inch in width; and
(5) in a color that contrasts with the background color
of the vehicle.
(h) A vehicle shall display the business license number
of each business for which the vehicle is used.