(a) TxDOT is responsible for the development, construction,
maintenance, and operation of the state highway system and other transportation
systems as designated by the legislature.
(b) TCEQ is the state air and water pollution control
agency and is the principal authority in Texas on matters relating
to the quality of the state's air and water resources, including the
(1) Air quality. TCEQ's primary responsibility relating
to air, as designated by Health and Safety Code, §382.002, includes,
but is not limited to, setting standards, criteria, levels, and emission
limits for air quality and air pollution control; and
(2) Water quality. TCEQ is charged with the protection
of water quality, water rights, and the adoption and enforcement of
rules and performance of other acts relating to the safe construction,
maintenance, and removal of dams. TCEQ's jurisdiction over water quality,
water rights, and enforcement of both water quality, water rights,
and dam safety includes, but is not limited to, those items outlined
in Water Code §5.013.