The goals of the Transportation Development Credit Program
(1) to maximize the use of available federal funds,
particularly in situations in which federal funds otherwise would
be unused because of the inability to provide the non-federal share;
(2) to increase the availability of state and local
funds that otherwise would be used as the non-federal share, so that:
(A) a limited number of priority projects may be funded
without federal funds, in an effort to streamline project delivery;
(B) a limited number of priority projects that are
not eligible for federal funding may be supported from state or local
funds; and
(C) available federal transit funds may be used that
otherwise would be unused because of the inability to provide the
non-federal share or to allow funds that would be used as the non-federal
share to be used for other transit projects;
(3) to support public transit; and
(4) to further any other stated goals of the commission
or the metropolitan planning organization responsible for awarding