(a) Each MPO will award to projects within its planning
area the locally earned transportation development credits allocated
to it under §5.105 of this subchapter (relating to Regional Allocation).
(b) The MPO must develop and use a documented process
for the receipt and evaluation of applications and the award of credits.
This process must also provide opportunities for public review and
comment at key decision points.
(c) The MPO must consider how the award of credits
will expand the availability of funding for transportation projects,
based on the goals specified in §5.102 of this subchapter (relating
to Program Goals).
(d) The MPO will notify each applicant of the results
of the selection process.
(e) The MPO will incorporate information regarding
the award of credits into the Transportation Improvement Program,
as appropriate.
(f) Not later than December 1st of each year, the MPO
will submit a report to the department documenting the management
of its credit allocations for the previous fiscal year.
(g) A public transit agency located within the planning
area of an MPO must first seek the award of credits under this section
for an eligible project, unless the credits will serve as the non-federal
share for a public transit program that is administered by the department
on a statewide basis.