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RULE §217.2Definitions

The following words and terms, when used in this subchapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.

  (1) Alias--The name of a vehicle owner reflected on a title, when the name on the title is different from the name of the legal owner of the vehicle.

  (2) Alias title--A title document issued by the department for a vehicle that is used by an exempt law enforcement agency in covert criminal investigations.

  (3) Bond release letter--Written notification from the United States Department of Transportation authorizing United States Customs to release the bond posted for a motor vehicle imported into the United States to ensure compliance with federal motor vehicle safety standards.

  (4) Current photo identification--A government-issued photo identification that is currently valid or is expired not more than 12 months, or a state-issued personal identification certificate issued to a qualifying person if the identification states that it has no expiration.

  (5) Date of sale--The date of the transfer of possession of a specific vehicle from a seller to a purchaser.

  (6) Division director--The director of the department's Vehicle Titles and Registration Division.

  (7) Executive administrator--The director of a federal agency, the director of a Texas state agency, the sheriff of a Texas county, or the chief of police of a Texas city who by law possesses the authority to conduct covert criminal investigations.

  (8) Exempt agency--A governmental body exempt by law from paying title or registration fees for motor vehicles.

  (9) Federal motor vehicle safety standards--Motor vehicle safety requirements promulgated by the United States Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, set forth in Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations.

  (10) Manufacturer's certificate of origin--A form prescribed by the department showing the original transfer of a new motor vehicle from the manufacturer to the original purchaser, whether importer, distributor, dealer, or owner and when presented with an application for title showing on appropriate forms prescribed by the department, each subsequent transfer between distributor and dealer, dealer and dealer, and dealer and owner.

  (11) Moped--A motor vehicle as defined by Transportation Code, §541.201.

  (12) Motor vehicle importation form--A declaration form prescribed by the United States Department of Transportation and certified by United States Customs that relates to any motor vehicle being brought into the United States and the motor vehicle's compliance with federal motor vehicle safety standards.

  (13) Non-United States standard motor vehicle--A motor vehicle not manufactured in compliance with federal motor vehicle safety standards.

  (14) Person--An individual, firm, corporation, company, partnership, or other entity.

  (15) Safety certification label--A label placed on a motor vehicle by a manufacturer certifying that the motor vehicle complies with all federal motor vehicle safety standards.

  (16) Statement of fact--A written declaration that supports an application for a title, that is executed by an involved party to a transaction involving a motor vehicle, and that clarifies an error made on a title or other negotiable evidence of ownership. An involved party is the seller, or an agent of the seller involved in the motor vehicle transaction. When a written declaration is necessary to correct an odometer disclosure error, the signatures of both the seller and buyer when the error occurred are required.

  (17) Title application--A form prescribed by the division director that reflects the information required by the department to create a motor vehicle title record.

  (18) Verifiable proof--Additional documentation required of a vehicle owner, lienholder, or agent executing an application for a certified copy of a title.

Source Note: The provisions of this §217.2 adopted to be effective March 12, 2015, 40 TexReg 1096; amended to be effective August 8, 2016, 41 TexReg 5766; amended to be effective March 1, 2018, 43 TexReg 1145; amended to be effective March 1, 2020, 45 TexReg 1228; amended to be effective March 1, 2022, 47 TexReg 968; amended to be effective November 14, 2024, 49 TexReg 8980

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