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RULE §217.29Vehicle Registration Renewal via Internet

(a) Internet registration renewal program. The department will maintain a uniform Internet registration renewal process. This process will provide for the renewal of vehicle registrations via the Internet and will be in addition to vehicle registration procedures provided for in §217.28 of this title (relating to Vehicle Registration Renewal). The Internet registration renewal program will be facilitated by a third-party vendor.

(b) County participation in program. All county tax assessor-collectors shall process registration renewals through an online system designated by the department.

(c) Eligibility of individuals for participation. To be eligible to renew a vehicle's registration via the Internet, the vehicle owner must meet all criteria for registration renewal outlined in this subchapter and in Transportation Code, Chapter 502.

(d) Information to be submitted by vehicle owner. A vehicle owner who renews registration via the Internet must submit or verify the following information:

  (1) registrant information, including the vehicle owner's name and county of residence;

  (2) vehicle information, including the license plate number of the vehicle to be registered;

  (3) insurance information, including the name of the insurance company, the name of the insurance company's agent (if applicable), the telephone number of the insurance company or agent (local or toll free number serviced Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.), the insurance policy number, and representation that the policy meets all applicable legal standards;

  (4) credit card information, including the type of credit card, the name appearing on the credit card, the credit card number, and the expiration date; and

  (5) other information prescribed by rule or statute.

(e) Duties of the county. A county tax assessor-collector shall:

  (1) accept electronic payment for vehicle registration renewal via the Internet;

  (2) execute an agreement with the department as provided by the director;

  (3) process qualified Internet registration renewal transactions as submitted by the third-party vendor;

  (4) communicate with the third-party vendor and applicants via email, regular mail, or other means, as specified by the director;

  (5) reject applications that do not meet all requirements set forth in this chapter, and in Transportation Code, Chapter 502; and

  (6) register each vehicle for a 12-month period.

(f) Duties of the department. For vehicle registration renewals that are submitted via the Internet, the department and its centralized third-party vendor shall promptly facilitate and mail vehicle registration insignias to applicants.

Source Note: The provisions of this §217.29 adopted to be effective March 12, 2015, 40 TexReg 1096; amended to be effective August 8, 2016, 41 TexReg 5777; amended to be effective November 14, 2024, 49 TexReg 8980

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