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RULE §213.5Required Edwards Aquifer Protection Plans, Notification, and Exemptions

    (D) Technical report. For an organized sewage collection system, a technical report must be submitted on forms provided by, or approved by, the executive director. The technical report must contain the information requested in the following subsections of this section: (b)(4)(A)(ii) and (iv), (B), (D)(i), (F)(i), and (G). A technical report for a water pollution abatement plan submitted under subsection (b) of this section satisfies this requirement, provided it properly addresses the proposed sewage collection system.

    (E) Plans and specifications. Plans and specifications addressing all the requirements in paragraphs (2) and (3) of this subsection, must include at a minimum:

      (i) a map showing the location of the organized sewage collection system layout in relation to recharge zone boundaries;

      (ii) a map showing the location of the organized sewage collection system layout overlaid by topographic contour lines, using a contour interval of not greater than ten feet, and showing the area within both the five-year floodplain and the 100-year floodplain of any drainage way;

      (iii) construction documents prepared by, or under the supervision of, a Texas licensed professional engineer, which have also been signed, sealed, and dated by that Texas licensed professional engineer, at a minimum, must include:

        (I) plan and profile views of the collection system;

        (II) construction details of collection system components;

        (III) specifications for all collection system components; and

        (IV) proposed pollution abatement measures for sensitive features identified along the path of the proposed sewer line.

(d) Static hydrocarbon and hazardous substance storage in underground storage tanks system.

  (1) Standards for underground storage tank systems. New or replacement systems for the underground storage of static hydrocarbons or hazardous substances must be of double-walled or an equivalent method approved by the executive director. Methods for detecting leaks in the inside wall of a double-walled system must be included in the facility's design and construction. The leak detection system must provide continuous monitoring of the system and must be capable of immediately alerting the system's owner of possible leakages.

    (A) Installation. All underground hydrocarbon and hazardous substance storage tank systems must be installed by a person possessing a valid certificate of registration in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 334, Subchapter I of this title (relating to Underground Storage Tank On-Site Supervisor Licensing and Contractor Registration).

    (B) Siting. Any new underground hydrocarbon and hazardous substance storage tank system that does not incorporate a method for tertiary containment must be located a minimum horizontal distance of 150 feet from any domestic, industrial, or irrigation well, or other sensitive feature as determined under the geologic assessment at the time of construction or replacement under paragraph (2)(C) of this subsection or the tankhold inspection under subsection (f)(2)(B) of this section. This method of tertiary containment also applies to the placement of a tank system within 150 feet of a public water supply well without a sanitary control easement of 150 feet as defined in §290.41(c)(1)(F) of this title (relating to Water Sources).

  (2) Contents of an underground storage tank facility plan. An underground storage tank facility plan must, at a minimum, contain the following information.

    (A) Application. The information required under §213.4 of this title must be filed with the executive director at the appropriate regional office.

    (B) Site location map. A site location map as specified in subsection (b)(2) of this section including a legible road map, a general location map, and a site plan, must be submitted as part of the plan.

    (C) Geologic assessment. For all facilities located on either the recharge zone or transition zone, a geologic assessment prepared by a geologist, as described in subsection (b)(3) of this section, must be submitted for the site. The geologic assessment report must be signed, sealed, and dated by the geologist preparing the report.

    (D) Technical report. For all facilities, located on either the recharge zone or transition zone, a technical report must be submitted on forms provided by, or approved by, the executive director. The technical report must contain the information requested in subsection (b)(4)(B) and (C) and (5) of this section. A technical report for a water pollution abatement plan submitted under subsection (b) of this section satisfies this requirement, provided it properly addresses the proposed underground storage tank facility.

(e) Static hydrocarbon and hazardous substance storage in an aboveground storage tank facility.

  (1) Design standards. Systems used for the temporary and permanent aboveground storage of static hydrocarbon and hazardous substance must be constructed within controlled drainage areas that are sized to capture one and one-half (1-1/2) times the storage capacity of the system. The controlled drainage area must be constructed of, and in a material impervious to, the substance(s) being stored, and must direct spills to a convenient point for collections and recovery. Any spills from storage tank facilities must be removed from the controlled drainage area for disposal within 24 hours of the spill.

  (2) Contents of an aboveground storage tank facility plan. A permanent aboveground storage tank facility plan must contain, at a minimum, the following information.

    (A) Application. For an aboveground storage tank facility, the information required under §213.4 of this title must be filed with the executive director at the appropriate regional office.

    (B) Site location map. A site location map as specified in subsection (b)(2) of this section, including a legible road map, a general location map, and a site plan, must be submitted as part of the plan for a permanent facility.

    (C) Geologic assessment. For all facilities located on either the recharge zone or transition zone, a geologic assessment prepared by a geologist, as described in subsection (b)(3) of this section, must be submitted for the area containing the aboveground storage tank system. The geologic assessment report must be signed, sealed, and dated by the geologist preparing the report.

    (D) Technical report. For all facilities located on either the recharge zone or transition zone, a technical report must be submitted on forms provided by, or approved by, the executive director. The technical report must contain the information requested in subsection (b)(4)(B) and (C) and (5) of this section. A technical report for a water pollution abatement plan submitted under subsection (b) of this section satisfies this requirement, provided it properly addresses the proposed aboveground storage tank facility.

  (3) A description of measures that will be used to contain any spill of hydrocarbons or hazardous substances from temporary storage of 250 gallons or more must be included with the plan unless described under subsection (b)(4)(G) of this section. Any new temporary aboveground hydrocarbon and hazardous substance storage tank system must be located a minimum horizontal distance of 150 feet from any domestic, industrial, irrigation, or public water supply well, or other sensitive feature.

  (4) Exemptions from this section.

    (A) Equipment used to transmit electricity that utilizes oil for insulation or cooling purposes, including transformers and oil circuit breakers, are exempt from this subsection. Construction of supporting structures is a regulated activity for which a water pollution abatement plan under subsection (a)(1) of this section is required.

    (B) Permanent storage facilities with a cumulative storage capacity of less than 500 gallons are exempt from this section.

(f) Notification and inspection.

  (1) The applicant must provide written notification of intent to commence construction, replacement, or rehabilitation. Notification must be given to the appropriate regional office no later than 48 hours prior to commencement of the regulated activity.

    (A) Written notification must include:

      (i) the date on which the regulated activity will commence;

      (ii) the name of the approved plan for the regulated activity; and

      (iii) the name of the prime contractor and the name and telephone number of the contact person.

    (B) The executive director will use the notification to determine if the applicant is eligible for an extension of an approved plan. Construction will not be considered to have commenced until written notification is received by the appropriate regional office.

  (2) If any sensitive feature is discovered during construction, replacement, or rehabilitation, all regulated activities near the sensitive feature must be suspended immediately.


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