(I) The temporary sealing of a naturally-occurring sensitive feature which accepts recharge to the Edwards Aquifer as a temporary pollution abatement measure during active construction should be avoided. (II) A request to temporarily seal must include a justification as to why no reasonable and practicable alternative exists. The request will be evaluated by the executive director on a case-by-case basis. (v) Temporary BMPs and measures must meet the requirements contained in subparagraph (D)(i) of this paragraph. (vi) The report must include a plan for the inspection of temporary BMPs and measures and for their timely maintenance, repair, and, if necessary, retrofit. (vii) Temporary sediment pond or basin construction plans and design calculations for a proposed temporary BMP or measure must be prepared by or under the direct supervision of a Texas licensed professional engineer. All construction plans and design information must be signed, sealed, and dated by the Texas licensed professional engineer. (viii) Pilot-scale field testing (including water quality monitoring) may be required for BMPs that are not contained in technical guidance recognized by, or prepared by, the executive director. (ix) The construction-phase BMPs for erosion and sediment controls should be designed to retain sediment on site to the extent practicable. (x) All control measures must be properly selected, installed, and maintained in accordance with the manufacturers specifications and good engineering practices. If periodic inspections by the applicant or the executive director, or other information indicates a control has been used inappropriately, or incorrectly, the applicant must replace or modify the control for site situations. (xi) If sediment escapes the construction site, off-site accumulations of sediment must be removed at a frequency sufficient to minimize off-site impacts to water quality (e.g., fugitive sediment in street being washed into surface streams or sensitive features by the next rain). (xii) Sediment must be removed from sediment traps or sedimentation ponds not later than when design capacity has been reduced by 50%. (xiii) Litter, construction debris, and construction chemicals exposed to storm water shall be prevented from becoming a pollutant source for storm water discharges (e.g., screening outfalls, picked up daily). (C) The technical report must describe the permanent BMPs and measures that will be used during and after construction is completed. (i) BMPs and measures must prevent pollution of surface water, groundwater, or storm water that originates upgradient from the site and flows across the site. (ii) BMPs and measures must prevent pollution of surface water or groundwater that originates on-site or flows off the site, including pollution caused by contaminated storm water runoff from the site. (iii) BMPs and measures must prevent pollutants from entering surface streams, sensitive features, or the aquifer. (iv) To the extent practicable, BMPs and measures must maintain flow to naturally occurring sensitive features identified in either the geologic assessment, executive director review, or during excavation, blasting, or construction. (I) The permanent sealing of, or diversion of, flow from a naturally occurring sensitive feature that accepts recharge to the Edwards Aquifer as a permanent pollution abatement measure should be avoided. (II) A request to seal a naturally occurring sensitive feature must include a justification as to why no reasonable and practicable alternative exists. The request will be evaluated by the executive director on a case-by-case basis. (v) Permanent BMPs and measures must meet the requirements contained in subparagraph (D)(ii) of this paragraph. (vi) Construction plans and design calculations for the proposed permanent BMPs and measures must be prepared by, or under the direct supervision of, a Texas licensed professional engineer. All construction plans and design information must be signed, sealed, and dated by the Texas licensed professional engineer. (vii) The technical report must include a plan for the inspection of the permanent BMPs and measures and for their timely inspection, maintenance, repair, and, if necessary, retrofit. The plan must be prepared and certified by the engineer designing the permanent BMPs and measures. The plan must be signed by the owner or responsible party. (viii) Pilot-scale field testing (including water quality monitoring) may be required for BMPs that are not contained in technical guidance recognized by, or prepared by, the executive director. (I) When pilot-scale field testing of an innovative technology (including water quality monitoring) is required, only one pilot site will be approved. (II) No additional approvals will be granted until the pilot study is complete and the applicant demonstrates adequate protection of the Edwards Aquifer. (III) If the innovative technology demonstrates adequate protection of the Edwards Aquifer, additional units may be approved for use as permanent pollution abatement measures on the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone. (IV) If the innovative technology demonstrates inadequate protection of the Edwards Aquifer, a retrofit of the pollution abatement measure may be required to achieve compliance with requirements under subparagraph (D) of this paragraph and no additional units will be approved for use on the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone. (D) Requirements for BMPs and measures. (i) Temporary BMPs. (I) The technical report must include a description of interim and permanent stabilization practices for the site, including a schedule of when the practices will be implemented. Stabilization practices may include, but are not limited to: establishment of temporary vegetation, establishment of permanent vegetation, mulching, geotextiles, sod stabilization, vegetative buffer strips, protection of trees, preservation of mature vegetation, and other appropriate measures. (-a-) The following records shall be maintained and made available to the executive director upon request: the dates when major grading activities occur; the dates when construction activities temporarily or permanently cease on a portion of the site; and the dates when stabilization measures are initiated. (-b-) Stabilization measures shall be initiated as soon as practicable in portions of the site where construction activities have temporarily or permanently ceased, but in no case more than 14 days after the construction activity in that portion of the site has temporarily or permanently ceased. Where the initiation of stabilization measures by the 14th day after construction activity temporary or permanently cease is precluded by weather conditions, stabilization measures shall be initiated as soon as practicable. Where construction activity on a portion of the site is temporarily ceased, and earth disturbing activities will be resumed within 21 days, temporary stabilization measures do not have to be initiated on that portion of site. In areas experiencing droughts where the initiation of stabilization measures by the 14th day after construction activity has temporarily or permanently ceased is precluded by seasonal arid conditions, stabilization measures shall be initiated as soon as practicable. (II) The technical report must include a description of structural practices to divert flows from exposed soils, store flows, or otherwise limit runoff and the discharge of pollutants from exposed areas of the site to the degree attainable. Structural practices may include, but are not limited to: silt fences, earth dikes, drainage swales, sediment traps, checks dams, subsurface drains, pipe slope drains, level spreaders, storm drain inlet protection, rock outlet protection, reinforced soil retaining systems, gabions, and sediment basins. Placement of structural practices in floodplains should be avoided to the degree attainable. (-a-) For common drainage locations that serve an area with ten or more acres disturbed at one time, a sediment basin that provides storage for a calculated volume of runoff from a two-year, 24-hour storm from each disturbed acre drained, or equivalent control measures, shall be provided where attainable until final stabilization of the site. Where no such calculation has been performed, a sediment basin providing 3,600 cubic feet of storage per acre drained, or equivalent control measures, shall be provided where attainable until final stabilization of the site. When computing the number of acres draining into a common location it is not necessary to include flows from off-site areas and flows from on-site areas that are either undisturbed or have undergone final stabilization where such flows are diverted around both the disturbed area and the sediment basin. Cont'd... |