(7) The technical report must describe the measures that will be taken to avoid or minimize surface stream contamination, or changes in the way that water enters a stream as a result of construction and development. The measures should address the following: (A) increased stream flashing; (B) the creation of stronger flows and instream velocities; and (C) other instream effects caused by the regulated activity that increase erosion that results in water quality degradation. (8) The technical report must describe the method of disposal of wastewater from the site. (A) If wastewater is to be disposed of by conveyance to a sewage treatment plant for treatment and disposal, the existing or proposed treatment facility must be identified. (B) If wastewater is to be disposed of by an on-site sewage facility, the application must be accompanied by a written statement from the appropriate authorized agent, stating that the site is suitable for the use of private sewage facilities and will meet or exceed the requirements for on-site sewage facilities as specified under Chapter 285 of this title (relating to On-Site Sewage Facilities), or identifying those areas that are not suitable. (C) If wastewater is to be discharged in the contributing zone, requirements under §213.6(c) of this title (relating to Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems) must be satisfied. (9) The technical report must describe the measures that will be used to contain any spill of static hydrocarbons or hazardous substances such as on a roadway or from a pipeline or temporary aboveground storage tank system of 250 gallons or more. (A) Temporary storage facilities are those used on site for less than one year. (B) Temporary aboveground storage tank systems of 250 gallons or more cumulative storage capacity must be located a minimum horizontal distance of 150 feet from the five-year floodplain of any stream drainage. (10) The technical report must indicate the placement of permanent aboveground storage tank facilities. Permanent aboveground storage tank facilities for static hydrocarbons and hazardous substances with cumulative storage capacity of 500 gallons or greater must be constructed, and spills removed using the standards contained in §213.5(e)(1) of this title. (11) Exemption. (A) Regulated activities exempt from the contributing zone plan application requirements under this section are: (i) the installation of underground utilities, including: (I) storm and sanitary sewage lines; (II) natural gas lines; (III) telephone lines; (IV) electric lines; and (V) water lines; and (ii) the installation of underground tanks for the storage of static hydrocarbons and hazardous substances. (B) An individual land owner who seeks to construct his/her own single-family residence or associated residential structures on the site is exempt from the contributing zone plan application requirements under this subchapter, provided that the land owner does not exceed 20% impervious cover on the site. (C) Temporary erosion and sedimentation controls are required to be installed and maintained for exempted activities on the contributing zone. All temporary erosion and sedimentation controls must meet the requirements contained in paragraph (5) of this section, must be installed prior to construction, must be maintained during construction, and may be removed only when vegetation is established and the construction area is stabilized. This subparagraph does not apply to single-family residences on a site greater than five acres or on a site less than five acres and not a part of a common plan of development or sale with the potential to disturb cumulatively five or more acres. (D) The executive director may monitor storm water discharges from these projects to evaluate the adequacy of the temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures. Additional protection will be required if the executive director determines that these controls are inadequate to protect water quality. |