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RULE §5.4001Plan of Operation

      (i) Five directors shall be five different insurers licensed in Texas and members of the association and elected by the members. No member shall fill more than one seat on the board of directors.

      (ii) No later than 60 days prior to the annual meeting in March 1992, the board of directors shall nominate the five-member companies to serve on the board of directors. In making such nominations, the board of directors shall consider the following factors in nominating a member to serve.

        (I) A minimum of three members shall be companies with multistate operations.

        (II) A minimum of one member shall be a company domiciled in the State of Texas.

        (III) Consideration should be given to voluntary market shares of members; voluntary participation in the catastrophe area; specific expertise in the underwriting, claims handling, or reinsurance of insurance required to be provided by the association; companies that represent as far as possible the view of the member companies; and other factors deemed relevant by the board of directors.

      (iii) No later than 60 days prior to the annual meetings, the chair shall appoint a nominating committee of not less than three, nor more than seven, member companies, each to act through its designated representative, said committee to represent as far as possible the view of the member companies. Said committee shall prepare and present to member companies a list of nominations for the board of directors.

      (iv) Members also have the right to nominate any member by submitting such nominee's name to the nomination committee. In order to be eligible for election to the board of directors, a member must be nominated at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting at which directors are elected.

    (C) Directors appointed by the Commissioner. The number of directors composed of licensed local recording agents and members of the public shall be four. Each of these directors must be from different counties in the designated catastrophe area.

      (i) The Commissioner shall appoint two public representatives nominated by the Office of the Public Insurance Counsel to serve on the board of directors. The public representatives shall be persons who are policyholders of the association as of the date of appointment.

      (ii) The Commissioner shall appoint two licensed local recording agent representatives to serve on the board of directors.

    (D) Term of office. Each director shall hold office for the term of three years from the date of the election or appointment or until a successor shall have been elected or appointed. The terms of the directors shall be staggered so that three directors shall be elected by the membership of the association and/or appointed by the Commissioner annually. A person may hold a seat on the board of directors for not more than three consecutive full terms, not to exceed nine years.

    (E) Regular meetings. A regular meeting of the board of directors shall be held with notice to the directors at least ten days before each regular meeting as provided for in this subsection. Notice of any regular meeting of the directors shall also be given to the Department in care of the associate commissioner of property-casualty, or such other person as may be designated by the Commissioner, as required by the Texas Insurance Code, Article 21.49, §5(k). Public notice of meetings shall be given as required by the Government Code, Chapter 551.

    (F) Notice of regular or emergency meeting.

      (i) Notice of any regular meeting shall be given to the directors at least ten days prior thereto by notice delivered personally or mailed to each director at his/her business address or by telegram, or such other reasonable means of notice to provide actual notice to each director. If mailed, such notice shall be deemed to be delivered when deposited in the United States mail, so addressed with postage thereon prepaid. If the notice be given by telegram, such notice shall be deemed to be delivered when the telegram is delivered to the telegraph company. If the notice is by other reasonable means, the association shall maintain a written record of the method of notification. Any director may waive notice of any meeting. The attendance of a director at a meeting shall constitute a waiver of notice to the director of such meeting, except where a director attends a meeting for the express purpose of objection to the transaction of any business because the meeting is not lawfully called or convened.

      (ii) In case of emergency or urgent public necessity, notice to directors and to the Department shall be given at least two hours before a meeting is convened. Notice to the public shall be given as required for an emergency meeting pursuant to the Government Code, §551.045.

      (iii) Any meeting of the board of directors of the association conducted by conference call is subject to the same requirements applicable to other meetings of the board of directors.

    (G) Regular or emergency meetings. Regular or emergency meetings of the board of directors may be called by the chair of the board or at the request of any two directors. The person or persons authorized to call a meeting of the board of directors may fix any place as the place for holding any meeting of the board of directors called by them. If no place is designated, then the office of the association shall serve as the place of such meeting.

    (H) Statement of purpose of meeting required. The business to be transacted at, and the purpose of, any regular or emergency meeting of the board of directors shall be specified in the notice to directors and in notice required by statute as required by the Government Code, Chapter 551.

    (I) Quorum. A majority of the number of directors fixed by this section shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the board of directors. Action taken by a majority of the directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the board of directors. If at any meeting of the board of directors there shall be less than a quorum present, a majority of those present may adjourn the meeting from time to time until a quorum is obtained.

    (J) Presumption of assent. A director of the association who is present at the meeting of the board of directors at which action on any matter is taken shall be presumed to have assented to the action taken unless the director's dissent shall be entered in the minutes of the meeting, or unless the director shall file a written dissent to such action with the person acting as secretary of the meeting before the adjournment thereof, or shall forward such dissent by registered mail to the secretary of the association immediately after the adjournment of the meeting. Such right to dissent shall not be available to a director who voted in favor of such action.

    (K) Compensation. By resolution of the board of directors, the directors may be reimbursed for their actual expenses. No other payment shall be made to directors other than provided herein, except however, that nothing herein shall be construed as preventing any director from serving the association in any other capacity and receiving reimbursement for actual expenses incurred.

    (L) General powers. The board of directors shall have the management of the business and affairs of the association and may exercise all of the powers herein enumerated and all other powers incidental or appropriate thereto, subject only to the restrictions imposed by law. Included among the powers of the board of directors, but not in limitation thereof, are the following:

      (i) to make and change regulations not inconsistent with this section for the management of the business affairs of the association;

      (ii) to purchase or otherwise acquire for the association any property, rights, or privileges which the association is authorized to acquire;

      (iii) to remove any officer for cause, summarily without cause, and in their discretion, from time to time, to dissolve the powers and duties of any officer and to confer such powers and duties upon any other person for the time being;

      (iv) to appoint and remove or suspend such subordinate officers, attorneys, or representatives as they may deem necessary and to determine their duties, and fix, and from time to time change their salaries or remuneration, and to require security as and when they think fit;

      (v) to confer upon any officer of the association the power to appoint, remove, and suspend subordinate officers, employees, and representatives;

      (vi) to determine who shall be authorized on the association's behalf to make and sign bills, notes, acceptances, endorsements, checks, releases, receipts, contracts, and other instruments;

      (vii) to delegate any of the powers of the board of directors in relation to the ordinary business of the association to any standing or special committee, or to any officer or agent (with power to subdelegate) upon such terms as they may deem appropriate;

      (viii) to contract with a servicing facility to perform such services for the association as it may deem appropriate;

      (ix) to approve expenses, levy assessments, including preliminary assessments;


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