(4) introduce, carry into, or possess, use, break, dispose of, throw, or abandon any glass container in the water of a swimming area, swimming pool, or in the beach area adjacent to the water of a swimming area; (5) moor, dock, or berth a boat or any other object between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., except in mooring areas designated by the director; or (6) moor, dock, or berth a commercial vessel at any part of a state park except by permit from the director. (q) Water, Wastewater, Sewage, and Garbage. It is an offense for any person to: (1) deposit waste water, sewage, or effluent from sinks, toilets, or other plumbing fixtures directly on the ground or into the water; (2) use any water fountain, drinking fountain, pool, sprinkler, reservoir, lake or any other water body contained in the park for bathing, laundering, and washing dishes, pets, or vehicles (including trailers); (3) deposit fish parts at any location except park fish cleaning facilities; (4) discard, deposit, or dump garbage in a state park, except for: (A) garbage generated inside the park during the course of park visitation; or (B) an amount of garbage consistent with what ordinarily would accumulate in a vehicle in the course of a day's travel; (5) dispose of garbage except in a receptacle provided for that use or as may otherwise be specifically authorized by department personnel; or (6) use water provided by the state park for purposes other than drinking, washing or culinary uses. |