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RULE §131.146Preparation, Submittal, Review and Approval of Plans, and Retention of Records

      (iv) nonflammable medical gas piping (oxygen, compressed medical air, vacuum systems, nitrous oxide), emergency shutoff valves, pressure gages, alarm modules, gas outlets;

      (v) drain piping systems (waste and soiled piping systems, laboratory drain systems, roof drain systems);

      (vi) fire protection piping systems (sprinkler piping systems, fire standpipe systems, water or chemical extinguisher piping system for cooking equipment);

      (vii) piping riser diagrams, equipment schedules, control diagrams or narrative description of controls, filters, and location of all duct-mounted smoke detectors; and

      (viii) laboratory exhaust and safety cabinets.

    (F) Electrical drawings shall include:

      (i) electrical service entrance with service switches, service feeders to the public service feeders, and characteristics of the light and power current including transformers and their connections;

      (ii) location of all normal electrical system and essential electrical system conduits, wiring, receptacles, light fixtures, switches and equipment which require permanent electrical connections, on plans of each building level:

        (I) light fixtures marked distinctly to indicate connection to critical or life safety branch circuits or to normal lighting circuits; and

        (II) outlets marked distinctly to indicate connection to critical, life safety, or normal power circuits;

      (iii) telephone and communication, fixed computers, terminals, connections, outlets, and equipment;

      (iv) nurses calling system showing all stations, signals, and annunciators on the plans;

      (v) in addition to electrical plans, single line diagrams prepared for:

        (I) complete electrical system consisting of the normal electrical system and the essential electrical system including the on-site generator(s), transfer switch(es), emergency system, panels, subpanels, transformers, conduit, wire sizes, main switchboard, power panels, light panels, and equipment for additions to existing buildings, proposed new facilities, and remodeled portions of existing facilities. Feeder and conduit sizes shall be shown with schedule of feeder breakers or switches;

        (II) complete nurses calling system with all stations, signals, annunciators, etc. with room number noted by each device and indicating the type of system (nurses emergency calling system, or staff emergency assistance calling system);

        (III) a single line diagram of the complete fire alarm system showing all control panels, signaling and detection devices, and the room number where each device is located; and

      (vi) schedules of all panels indicating connection to emergency system or normal system, and connected load at each panel.

  (3) Any changes to the final construction documents which affect or change the function, design, or designated use of an area shall be submitted to the department for approval prior to authorization of the modifications.

(g) Special submittals.

  (1) Self-certification.

    (A) In an effort to shorten the plan review and approval process, the facility owner, operator, or representative may request approval of final construction documents under the self-certification review process.

      (i) The owner or operator shall submit the items in subsection (b)(1)(A) - (C) of this section and a completed self-certification form, signed by the facility owner or operator, architect of record, and engineer(s) of record attesting that the plans and specifications are based upon and comply with the requirements of this chapter.

      (ii) By signing and submitting the self-certification form, the facility owner or operator accepts the following conditions.

        (I) The department retains the right to review the final construction documents, conduct inspections of the project, and withdraw its approval.

        (II) The facility owner or operator has a continuing obligation to make any changes the department requires to comply with the licensing rules, whether or not physical plant construction or alterations have been completed.

        (III) The facility owner or operator is ultimately responsible for compliance with the Act and this chapter.

    (B) The department shall review the request for self-certification and notify the facility owner or operator if the request is approved or denied. If denied, the department shall review the final construction documents in the chronological order in which the documents were received. Construction shall not begin until the final construction documents have been reviewed and approved.

  (2) If a facility owner or operator believes that a proposed project is a minor project, the facility owner or operator shall provide to the department a brief written description of the proposed project and floor plans of the areas of work. The minor project request shall be mailed or faxed.

    (A) If it is determined that the proposed project is a minor project, the department shall notify the facility owner or operator of the approval, and state the number of inspections that shall be required. A minimum of one inspection shall be conducted.

    (B) The department shall notify the facility owner or operator that a proposed project is not approved as a minor project, if the project involves any of the following:

      (i) remodeling or alterations which involve alterations to load bearing members or partitions;

      (ii) a change in functional operation;

      (iii) affects fire safety (e.g., modifications to the fire, smoke, and corridor walls);

      (iv) adds services for which the facility is not currently licensed; and

      (v) significantly changes the mechanical, electrical, plumbing, or fire protection.

    (C) The facility owner or operator shall submit final construction documents in accordance with subsection (f) of this section if the department determines the project is not a minor project.

  (3) Fire sprinkler systems.

    (A) When the sole purpose of a project is installation of a sprinkler system, whether a partial or complete system, the facility owner or operator shall submit to the department for approval the items in subsection (b)(1)(A) - (C) of this section and sprinkler documents.

    (B) Fire sprinkler systems shall comply with the requirements of National Fire Protection Association 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, 2002 Edition (NFPA 13), and shall be designed or reviewed by an engineer who is registered by the Texas Board of Professional Engineers in fire protection specialty or is experienced in hydraulic design and fire sprinkler system installation. A short resume shall be submitted if registration is not in fire protection specialty.

      (i) Fire sprinkler working plans, complete hydraulic calculations and water supply information shall be prepared in accordance with NFPA 13, §§14.1, 14.2 and 14.3, for new fire sprinkler systems, alterations of and additions to existing ones.

      (ii) One set of fire sprinkler working plans, calculations, and water supply information shall be forwarded to the department together with the professional engineer's (P.E. licensed in the State of Texas) certification letter stating that the sprinkler system design complies with the requirements of NFPA 13. Certification of the fire sprinkler system shall be submitted prior to system installation.

      (iii) Upon completion of the fire sprinkler system installation and any required corrections, written certification by the engineer, stating that the fire sprinkler system is installed in accordance with NFPA 13 requirements, shall be submitted prior to or with the written request for the final construction inspection of the project.

(h) Retention of drawings, manuals, and design data.

  (1) Upon occupancy of the building or portion thereof, the owner shall retain as part of the facility's permanent records, a complete set of legible architectural plans of each building level, fire safety plans as described in subsection (f)(2)(B) of this section for each floor reflecting fire safety requirements, and all single line diagrams described in subsection (f)(2)(F)(v) of this section, drawings for fixed equipment, and mechanical and electrical systems, as installed or built.

  (2) Upon completion of the contract, the owner shall retain as part of the facility's permanent records a complete set of manufacturers' operating, maintenance, and preventive maintenance instructions; parts lists; and procurement information with numbers and a description for each piece of equipment. Facility staff shal1 also be provided with instructions on how to properly operate systems and equipment. Required information shall include energy ratings as needed for future conservation calculations.

  (3) The owner shall retain in the facility's permanent records complete design data for the facility. This shall include structural design loadings; summary of heat loss assumption and calculations; estimated water consumption; medical gas outlet listing; list of applicable codes; and electric power requirements of installed equipment. All such data shall be supplied to facilitate future alterations, additions, and changes, including, but not limited to, energy audits and retrofit for energy conservation.

Source Note: The provisions of this §131.146 adopted to be effective June 1, 2010, 35 TexReg 4400

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