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RULE §25.5Definitions

    (B) does not own a transmission or distribution facility in this state, other than an essential interconnecting facility, a facility not dedicated to public use, or a facility otherwise excluded from the definition of "electric utility" under this section; and

    (C) does not have a certificated service area, although its affiliated electric utility or transmission and distribution utility may have a certificated service area.

  (83) Power marketer--A person who becomes an owner of electric energy in this state for the purpose of selling the electric energy at wholesale; does not own generation, transmission, or distribution facilities in this state; does not have a certificated service area; and who is in compliance with the registration requirements of §25.105 of this title (relating to Registration and Reporting by Power Marketers).

  (84) Power region--A contiguous geographical area which is a distinct region of the North American Electric Reliability Council.

  (85) Pre-interconnection study--A study or studies that may be undertaken by a utility in response to its receipt of a completed application for interconnection and parallel operation with the utility system at distribution voltage. Pre-interconnection studies may include, but are not limited to, service studies, coordination studies and utility system impact studies.

  (86) Premises--A tract of land or real estate or related commonly used tracts including buildings and other appurtenances thereon.

  (87) Price to beat (PTB)--A price for electricity, as determined pursuant to the Public Utility Regulatory Act §39.202, charged by an affiliated retail electric provider to eligible residential and small commercial customers in its service area.

  (88) Proceeding--A hearing, investigation, inquiry, or other procedure for finding facts or making a decision. The term includes a denial of relief or dismissal of a complaint. It may be rulemaking or nonrulemaking; rate setting or non-rate setting.

  (89) Proprietary customer information--Any information compiled by a retail electric provider, an electric utility, a transmission and distribution business unit as defined in §25.275(c)(16) of this title (relating to Code of Conduct for Municipally Owned Utilities and Electric Cooperatives Engaged in Competitive Activities) on a customer in the course of providing electric service or by an aggregator on a customer in the course of aggregating electric service that makes possible the identification of any individual customer by matching such information with the customer's name, address, account number, type or classification of service, historical electricity usage, expected patterns of use, types of facilities used in providing service, individual contract terms and conditions, price, current charges, billing records, or any information that the customer has expressly requested not be disclosed. Information that is redacted or organized in such a way as to make it impossible to identify the customer to whom the information relates does not constitute proprietary customer information.

  (90) Provider of last resort (POLR)--A retail electric provider (REP) certified in Texas that has been designated by the commission to provide a basic, standard retail service package in accordance with §25.43 of this title (relating to Provider of Last Resort (POLR)).

  (91) Public retail customer--A retail customer that is an agency of this state, a state institution of higher education, a public school district, or a political subdivision of this state.

  (92) Public utility or utility--An electric utility as that term is defined in this section, or a public utility or utility as those terms are defined in the Public Utility Regulatory Act §51.002.

  (93) Public Utility Regulatory Act (PURA)--The enabling statute for the Public Utility Commission of Texas, located in the Texas Utilities Code Annotated, §§11.001 et. seq.

  (94) Purchased power market value--The value of demand and energy bought and sold in a bona fide third-party transaction or transactions on the open market and determined by using the weighted average costs of the highest three offers from the market for purchase of the demand and energy available under the existing purchased power contracts.

  (95) Qualified scheduling entity--A market participant that is qualified by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) in accordance with Section 16, Registration and Qualification of Market Participants of ERCOT's Protocols, to submit balanced schedules and ancillary services bids and settle payments with ERCOT.

  (96) Qualifying cogenerator--The meaning as assigned this term by 16 U.S.C. §796(18)(C). A qualifying cogenerator that provides electricity to the purchaser of the cogenerator's thermal output is not for that reason considered to be a retail electric provider or a power generation company.

  (97) Qualifying facility--A qualifying cogenerator or qualifying small power producer.

  (98) Qualifying small power producer--The meaning as assigned this term by 16 U.S.C. §796(17)(D).

  (99) Rate--A compensation, tariff, charge, fare, toll, rental, or classification that is directly or indirectly demanded, observed, charged, or collected by an electric utility for a service, product, or commodity described in the definition of electric utility in this section and a rule, practice, or contract affecting the compensation, tariff, charge, fare, toll, rental, or classification that must be approved by a regulatory authority.

  (100) Rate class--A group of customers taking electric service under the same rate schedule.

  (101) Rate reduction program--A program to provide reduced electric rates for eligible low-income customers, in accordance with the Public Utility Regulatory Act §39.903(h).

  (102) Rate year--The 12-month period beginning with the first date that rates become effective. The first date that rates become effective may include, but is not limited to, the effective date for bonded rates or the effective date for interim or temporary rates.

  (103) Ratemaking proceeding--A proceeding in which a rate may be changed.

  (104) Registration agent--Entity designated by the commission to administer registration and settlement, premise data, and other processes concerning a customer's choice of retail electric provider in the competitive electric market in Texas.

  (105) Regulatory authority--In accordance with the context where it is found, either the commission or the governing body of a municipality.

  (106) Renewable demand side management (DSM) technologies--Equipment that uses a renewable energy resource (renewable resource) as defined in this section, that, when installed at a customer site, reduces the customer's net purchases of energy (kWh), electrical demand (kW), or both.

  (107) Renewable energy--Energy derived from renewable energy technologies.

  (108) Renewable energy credit (REC)--A tradable instrument representing the generation attributes of one MWh of electricity from renewable energy sources, as authorized by the Public Utility Regulatory Act §39.904 and implemented under §25.173(e) of this title (relating to Goal for Renewable Energy).

  (109) Renewable energy credit account (REC account)--An account maintained by the renewable energy credits trading program administrator for the purpose of tracking the production, sale, transfer, purchase, and retirement of RECs by a program participant.

  (110) Renewable energy resource (renewable resource)--A resource that produces energy derived from renewable energy technologies.

  (111) Renewable energy technology--Any technology that exclusively relies on an energy source that is naturally regenerated over a short time and derived directly from the sun, indirectly from the sun or from moving water or other natural movements and mechanisms of the environment. Renewable energy technologies include those that rely on energy derived directly from the sun, on wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, wave, or tidal energy, or on biomass or biomass-based waste products, including landfill gas. A renewable energy technology does not rely on energy resources derived from fossil fuels, waste products from fossil fuels, or waste products from inorganic sources.

  (112) Repowering--Modernizing or upgrading an existing facility in order to increase its capacity or efficiency.

  (113) Residential customer--Retail customers classified as residential by the applicable bundled utility tariff, unbundled transmission and distribution utility tariff or, in the absence of classification under a residential rate class, those retail customers that are primarily end users consuming electricity at the customer's place of residence for personal, family or household purposes and who are not resellers of electricity.

  (114) Retail customer--The separately metered end-use customer who purchases and ultimately consumes electricity.


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