(4) The department may terminate an agreement and remove the signs upon 30-day notice, if in its sole judgment it finds and determines that the group is not meeting the terms and conditions of the agreement. (h) Memorial adoptions. An eligible group may adopt a section of highway as a memorial to an individual who has died as a result of a motor vehicle accident on the state highway system. Except as provided in this subsection, all applicable provisions of this subchapter governing the Adopt-a-Highway program apply to memorial adoptions under this subsection. (1) The adopting group must include family members of the individual in whose memory the section of highway is adopted. (2) A sign erected for a memorial adoption may include the phrase "in memory of" and the name of the individual in whose memory the section is adopted, along with the name of the adopting group. (3) In approving memorial adoptions, the district engineer will consider: (A) the availability of sections of highway on the state highway system that are appropriate for litter control by volunteers; and (B) the potential of the proposed adoption to increase public awareness of traffic safety. (4) The requirements of subsection (b)(2)(B) of this section do not apply if the adopting group adopts the segment of highway on which the accident occurred. |