(B) the department's Privacy Officer at the Privacy
Officer's electronic mail address at hipaa.privacy@dshs.state.tx.us
or by mail to the DSHS HIPAA Privacy Officer, Mail Code 1915, P.O.
Box 149347, Austin, Texas 78714-9347.
(5) A request for a report submitted to the department's
Privacy Officer must include the name(s) of the designated health
care component of the department from which a report is requested.
(g) Right to request further limits on uses and disclosures
of protected health information.
(1) An individual has the right to request that the
department restrict its uses and disclosures of PHI about the individual;
however, the department is not required to agree to any restrictions
that are not required by law, rule, or regulation.
(2) An individual may submit a written request for
restrictions of uses and disclosures to the department's Privacy Officer
at the Privacy Officer's electronic mail address at hipaa.privacy@dshs.state.tx.us
or by mail to the DSHS HIPAA Privacy Officer, Mail Code 1915, P.O.
Box 149347, Austin, Texas 78714-9347.
(h) Right to request confidential communication from
a designated health care component of the department by different
means or at different locations.
(1) An individual has the right to submit a written
request that the individual receive communications of PHI from a designated
health care component of the department in a way and in a place that
is most appropriate for the individual. The written request must specify
the reasonable accommodations that are required and the designated
health care component of the department to which the request relates.
(2) An individual may submit a written request for
accommodation to:
(A) the designated health care component of the department
that is in possession of the individual's PHI; or
(B) the department's Privacy Officer at the Privacy
Officer's electronic mail address at hipaa.privacy@dshs.state.tx.us
or by mail to the DSHS Privacy Officer, Mail Code 1915, P.O. Box 149347,
Austin, Texas 78714-9347.
(3) The department shall provide a written approval
or denial of the request for accommodation.
(i) Complaints.
(1) An individual has the right to complain about the
department's privacy policies or how the department complies with
its privacy policies related to PHI.
(2) An individual may file a complaint by telephone
to the number printed on the department's HIPAA Privacy Notice, or
in writing to:
(A) the department's Privacy Officer at the Privacy
Officer's email address at hipaa.privacy@dshs.state.tx.us or by mail
to DSHS Privacy Officer, Mail Code 1915, P.O. Box 149347, Austin,
Texas 78714-9347; or
(B) Region VI - Dallas Office for Civil Rights (OCR),
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, by mail to 1301 Young
Street, Suite 1169, Dallas, Texas 75202, or by email to OCR at OCRcomplaint@hhs.gov,
or by phone at: (214) 767-4056, (214) 767-8940 (TDD), or by fax at
(214) 767-0432; or
(C) the Texas Attorney General's Office, Consumer Protection
Division, by mail at: P.O. Box 12548, Austin, Texas 78711 or at the
Attorney General's Internet web site at http://www.oag.state.tx.us/consumer/complain.shtml.
(3) An individual may download a copy of a complaint
form and instructions on how to file it at:
(A) the department's HIPAA Internet web site at http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/hipaa/privacycomplaints.shtm;
(B) the U.S. Department Health and Human Services,
OCR's Internet web site at http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/privacy/hipaa/complaints/index.html.
(j) Uses and disclosures of protected health information
among HHS System agencies, and other state agencies.
(1) As authorized or required by law, programs or offices
among HHS System agencies, and other state agencies may share PHI
as necessary to accomplish the public health, health care oversight,
business, and other essential functions of the HHS System, and other
state agencies.
(2) The department shall use and disclose PHI within
the department in accordance with the applicable requirements in 45
C.F.R. §164.504, and federal and state statutes that require
the department to protect the confidentiality of PHI.