(B) distinguish between situations that yield data
with and without variability.
(14) Personal financial literacy. The student applies
mathematical process standards to develop an economic way of thinking
and problem solving useful in one's life as a knowledgeable consumer
and investor. The student is expected to:
(A) compare the features and costs of a checking account
and a debit card offered by different local financial institutions;
(B) distinguish between debit cards and credit cards;
(C) balance a check register that includes deposits,
withdrawals, and transfers;
(D) explain why it is important to establish a positive
credit history;
(E) describe the information in a credit report and
how long it is retained;
(F) describe the value of credit reports to borrowers
and to lenders;
(G) explain various methods to pay for college, including
through savings, grants, scholarships, student loans, and work-study;
(H) compare the annual salary of several occupations
requiring various levels of post-secondary education or vocational
training and calculate the effects of the different annual salaries
on lifetime income.